Squeezing the news pimple on the arse of Thanet since January 2006
Friday, May 02, 2008
Lighting On The War Fol Ire Of Thanet
With the proposed 12 squillion square foot China Gateway business park coming to a lovely field near you soon, regular contributor Mr X has been researching the kinds of products and services we're likely to see in our town centres. Take a gander:
Surprisingly, several are already tailor-made for the Thanet market:
And if you'd like a further insight into the island's future, do get yourself over to www.engrish.com!
Great item - I wonder how the Chinese would translate the expression used by our council leader - for which he has apologised in today's Gazunder
very funny , but I am beginning to get a little uncomfortable with this whole anti-Chinese vibe. In thier defence they did bring some halfway decent food to the country and they are polite and stuff, it's like you know when have you ever felt threatened walking through a crowd of chinese people? They are like gentle and polite and things isn't it, Better than the moodyness and violence of black people or the alienated white youths who hate everything and everyone. I mean bless thier cotton socks and everything.
I'm not anti-Chinese anon 7:58pm, I just find typos funny, whether they're on a Chinese menu or in the Gazunder. I object to their government's human rights abuses, though. And I object to them building a huge business park on top of our water table, and eating into our arable land to do so. I'd object to all that if they were British, American, Japanese, Nigerian or Thanetian!
Well said Richard, humorous translation errors, and being against human rights abuses have nothing to do with racism and Thanet’s drinking water sources and remaining countryside need protecting.
hi i am anon 7:58 pm. thanks richard i didn't think you was racist or nothing and i am upset about the business park too. its like another buisiness park, whatever but it's the end of that lovely view as you drive out of birchington, and i have heard somewhere that they will do poos in the water or something. not that i drink tap whater because i think well if the water tank is in the loft , what if there is a dead pigeon or a mouse or something floating init, it's best to stick to things like perdys silver or other soft drinks or spring water and stuff . it's like shit there is going to be a big ugly buisness park it's unpleasant. i dont mind planes so much. i don't like leaving thatnet to go to gatwick because its too overwhelming i just want to get a plane to greece or ibiza or something without having to do the m25 or any of that madness. i love you richard.
Great item - I wonder how the Chinese would translate the expression used by our council leader - for which he has apologised in today's Gazunder
very funny , but I am beginning to get a little uncomfortable with this whole anti-Chinese vibe. In thier defence they did bring some halfway decent food to the country and they are polite and stuff, it's like you know when have you ever felt threatened walking through a crowd of chinese people? They are like gentle and polite and things isn't it, Better than the moodyness and violence of black people or the alienated white youths who hate everything and everyone. I mean bless thier cotton socks and everything.
Hmmm it's a good time to mention my new transport company specialising in driving punters to turf accountants for nothing.
"Free To Bet" starts next week. Waddya think?
Tlucks pounding the loads alound Ire of Fanet or day rong an' or nite rong is good fol tlade batwin oul countlies.
I'm not anti-Chinese anon 7:58pm, I just find typos funny, whether they're on a Chinese menu or in the Gazunder. I object to their government's human rights abuses, though. And I object to them building a huge business park on top of our water table, and eating into our arable land to do so. I'd object to all that if they were British, American, Japanese, Nigerian or Thanetian!
Well said Richard, humorous translation errors, and being against human rights abuses have nothing to do with racism and Thanet’s drinking water sources and remaining countryside need protecting.
hi i am anon 7:58 pm. thanks richard i didn't think you was racist or nothing and i am upset about the business park too. its like another buisiness park, whatever but it's the end of that lovely view as you drive out of birchington, and i have heard somewhere that they will do poos in the water or something. not that i drink tap whater because i think well if the water tank is in the loft , what if there is a dead pigeon or a mouse or something floating init, it's best to stick to things like perdys silver or other soft drinks or spring water and stuff . it's like shit there is going to be a big ugly buisness park it's unpleasant. i dont mind planes so much. i don't like leaving thatnet to go to gatwick because its too overwhelming i just want to get a plane to greece or ibiza or something without having to do the m25 or any of that madness. i love you richard.
and right, i can't go in the loft to check the water tank becuase im scared of spiders.
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