Whiffling around their website the other day I came across an advertisement for a Commercial and Marketing Manager. Here's what it says:
Europe’s budget airline boom, congested rival airports, location, accessibility and inbound tourist development, have spurred the privatisation of secondary airports. IAEL owns Glasgow Prestwick Airport (GPA), Kent International Airport (KIA) in Manston, and most recently 90% of Luebeck Airport in Germany (LBC), with ambitious plans to make a number of additional acquisitions in Europe in the next three to five years.
However, despite a significant increase in passenger volumes and earnings, IAEL faces the on-going commercial challenge of improving each of its airport’s returns, through reviews from aero and commercial sources and managing cost.
New branding throughout the terminal, retail facilities, shops and car parking, new routes and frequencies, have been particularly successful at GPA, which now operates as a 24/7 operation, with one of the highest growth rate of the main Scottish airports.
The ad goes on to list the qualities they're looking forward - leadership blah integrity blah team leader blah blah blah - the usual HR baloney. It seems they also want someone with 'political shrewdness' who 'applies sound judgement at all times'. I'd be curious to know how the candidate would apply 'sound judgement' considering they got rid of all their noise monitoring equipment yonks ago, but hey-ho.
Meanwhile it looks as if they are indeed going to be in need of someone with a bit of commercial nous. My spies tell me there's a rumbling on the pilots' rumour mill that Canada-crashing, oozalum-flying MK Airlines have pulled the plug, and that this year's charter flights are less than, er, fully booked. Could it be a case of Boeing, Boeing gone?
Click here to read Infratil ad
Seems tailormade for you ECR !!
Ideal for someone who's not an 'off the shelf' kinda guy, but I'll bet Richard could walk into Moss Bros and choose from their entire range.
Well at least Thanet is creating jobs at the Charity Commission, employing people to chase up all thanet registered charities that have defaulted on their accounts. How many are funded by TDC, a peep at the defaulters list for the CT postcode will reveal all.
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