I must admit that I haven't bought a red top in years, but rummaging through the piles of newspapers I keep for Bertie's litter tray I found an old copy of the Thanet Times, the Gazunder's sister paper, in which Our Nick used to write a column called 'In the Nick of Time' (geddit!!?!?!).
So in case anyone over in the Arsonists' Playground is on the lookout for him, here he is:

Click here to read Nick's 'Sun Scroungers' story in The People.
Interesting Fact No.1: I went to school with Nick.
Interesting Fact No.2 : I didn't
Interesting fact No.3: I went to school with Adem, but not with Tony.
Interesting Fact No.4: I spotted Tony on his bicycle in Cliftonville yesterday and he was looking more burnished than my old showbiz pal David Dickinson.
Interesting Fact No.5: I appear to be innumerate.
Interesting Fact No.17: So am I!
Did you see your mention in the thanet times?
I certainly did. Justin Brown top blogger? Huh!
Oh well, congrats Justin. Grrr!
Bearing in mind their propensity for misrepresentation of the facts, coupled with the reputation that this blog has for 'hard hitting truth', I think your concerns may be unfounded.
Personally, I would take any kind of accolade from The Thanet Times, which the Editor, herself, confesses "is a lighthearted version of the Gazzette, for the more 'challenged' Islanders", as a deadly insult!
As it's my earnest aim to be the 'bottom' blogger in these parts, I think I can rest my case.
Some of you must lead very sad lives if all you've got to do on a Tuesday is read the Thanet Times! I stopped buying it ages ago as there is never any real news in it. But then there isn't in The People either
Now, now Tony. Just because you weren't mentioned...
Penultimate fact 8:30 anon was not me, might have been Adem or Kevin who ironically were not mentioned either. Although I must say I'm a bit miffed having Bigged up Kathy Bailes in the comments section of my blog Bignews.
Still I'm not bitter I shall just not give the Times & Gazette the oxygen of publicity in the future.
I've got you all guessing now, haven't I?
You're going to have a stab at folding a newspaper, Tony?
Not such an easy feat now that they're predominantly tabloids and I wish you every success.
And thanks, anonymous of 12.04, I was having trouble getting to sleep tonight, anyway. It's going to be absolutely impossible now, while I'm frantically trying to puzzle out just who on Earth you could possibly be!
Could you be anonymous of 4.59 or anonymous of 7.12 or even anonymous of 7.16, maybe all three?
Hmmmm, I'm gonna go for 'some silly, sad sod that thinks anyone might give a toss'.
And it's ok, you can keep your prize!
Actually, on reflection, that statement does smack of something that some corporate presenter from North London might spew upon us, which wouldn't neccesarily negate my previous guess!
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