Thursday, August 03, 2006

easy peas he

just trying out the new beach re cognition software on my nude del boy computer stop its not bad but i donut thing hive quiet got the hang off it jet stop para must have a word with Tony flag Ibuleve he is a wizard at it stop bloody stop how do you turn this off question mark ass


Lucy Mail said...

Wheel power. That and opposable thrums.

Tony Flaig said...

I ask the think that you must be a complete flop wit's if, this speech-recognition programme is to dogs dangle is. I suggested persist until you achieve the excellent results are then I have.
As you can see I have attained the beast this being a perfect example.
Korea and concise every time, and it's a simple. I would recommend IBM's if viavoice to anyone.

I will admit it takes some getting used to, the knack is to speak relatively slowly as if, conversing with a local politician or policemen.