No, what I'm actually blithering on about is strange goings on at the tip of Kent's other airport, the Maypole Airfield out by Hernia Bay. According to my sources, a ruddy great Coastguard kite was based there for a bit last week, while Noddy Toytown International was closed so the runway lights could be fixed. No doubt to ensure that more crates of bananas or what have you could be shipped in from Africa, thus depriving the starving millions of sustenance and ensuring the obese of Oldham can still bust the springs on their bathroom scales.
Not too certain whether a twin prop should be operating out of a grass runway with no lights and no emergency facilities. But hey, I'm sure those rufty-tufty Coastguard types have a firm grip on their joysticks at all times, and can boast plenty of experience coping with, er, hairy landing strips!
Click here for Maypole Airfield website
The Coastguard Islander was based there for 24 hours while Manston was closed.
As the Islander is a STOL (Short Take off and Landing) military design the 500 metres at Maypole presents no problem and any aircraft, twin or otherwise can operate from wherever is appropriate within its performance envelope.
In theory, you could probably get a Hercules C130 into Maypole as well but it might upset the horses and wouldn't be able to take-off again in the distance available!!
Hope that helps!
How dare you be rude about people from Oldham! What other town could have given you cannon & ball.
My mate lives near that little airstrip & he said they are so anti social & should have an ASBO placed on them. And he's a copper. Plus horses my a*se, wot about the locals??
Anti-social, I think not. I have an aircraft based there and I hope it would stretch the credulity of even the most cynical reader of this weblog to associate me with the expression "Anti-social"
It's an old argument. One person in particular objects to the presence of an airstrip and I know follows my weblog and others very closely for any hint of activity at Maypole. I believe the local council's description may have been "vexatious complainant"
I would politely suggest that if you didn't know there was a grass strip there you would be very hard -pushed to find it or even hear it!
Without prejudice, so naturally.
(Oh yes, I've been keeping up with things..)
Is it still possible to buy a Doctorate?...
From an American University or some other educational retail outlet, either here in the UK, or possibly anywhere in the world, online or via mail-order? Is an Honorary Doctorate something that anyone can achieve, irrespective of credit or debit cards?
My 23 years at Cambridge would dispute...
Would my huge credit-limit allow me a 'Platinum Doctorate'?
I only ask, simply because a colleague of mine has managed to attach an affix to his name. It infers all kinds of wonderful assumptions about his intellectual and professional abilities.
It also does him no harm whilst dancing up the oily-pole!!!
Another person I read about bought the rights to a baronial title without ever setting foot in the area to which he'd frequently trespass!!
Imagine the cheek of such an interloper?
Fortunately, the days of small men and over-ambitious ego's are at an end.
Imagine the shame of being rumbled?
Thanet/Cambridge: Same shit, eh?
Watch this space!!!!
'MR X'
Oooh, get her! "I have an aircraft based there" - the lucky old Doctor!!!
What on earth are you on about anonynony-no 2:20am? I presume at that hour, you must have been on the jungle juice!
I think the main point here is not whether the said aircraft could land there, but should it. Why was Lydd not used as it is far more appropriate & has emergency services available, none of which is available at Maypole. I suspect it was a bit of showing off by vindictive aviators(?).
This incident annoyed a lot of local residents, not just me the supposed 'vindictive complainent'.
As for Lord Simes claim of not being anti-social does he not class running his engine up for about 20 minutes at the end of neighbours gardens anti-social, filling their houses & gardens with noxious fumes,not anti-social & in a coservation area, only suppossed to be used as an overshoot in an emergency.
It has also been well documented that I do not want the airstrip shut down, all I & it's neigbours ask is some consideration & compliance with planning conditions.
If people go to Hoath this Sunday they can try to find the airstrip. I know for a fact they will hear it most probably before they see it.
I must say it's a good job your plane doesn't spin as much as your posts etc.
This is it really. There are supposed to be restrictions on these airports but no bugger will enforce them.
I expect my local council to protect my health and wellbeing when it comes to noise and fumes and water pollution from the airport but they don't. They wouldn't let a restaurant with a dodgy kitchen get away with it would they? It's the same thing. Nothing short of scandalous.
This is an interesting thread if only if it demonstrates how one person's agenda attempts to hijack the topic in a single direction.
Of course, Hoath isn't in Thanet anyway and I would encourage anyone to look at Google earth to actually see the position of the airfield, the runway and its true context in regard to neighbouring properties.
The runway has horse paddocks running on either side, so that may reflect on the true nature of the so called disturbance to neighbours, some distance away, as horses are notoriously awkward and skittish creatures!
In consideration, a part of the problem frequently appears to involve aircraft on the way to Manston from elsewhere overflying Maypole village which is out of bounds to aircraft operating from the strip and Maypole pilots studiously avoid the village to the East.
As for noise and pollution, I have never run my engine up for 20 minutes anywhere near the boundary of the airfield. I use the end of the runway for that for about 20 seconds to check the magneto difference before the takeoff roll. Instead, try the sound of a neighbour's lawnmower and perhaps tractors working on the farm which are more intrusive than a light aircraft.
Finally, I can't grasp the objection to an emergency services aircraft stopping overnight in special operational circumstances which have nothing whatsover to do with "showing off" .. please do be serious rather than simply obsessive about an airstrip which averages I would guess, less than six movements a day!
6 movements a day? Its busier than Manston
"This is an interesting thread if only if it demonstrates how one person's agenda attempts to hijack the topic in a single direction"
Yes why do you do that Simon?
"Of course, Hoath isn't in Thanet"
It will be at the next general election & what has that got to do with this posting?
"The runway has horse paddocks running on either side, so that may reflect on the true nature of the so called disturbance to neighbours, some distance away, as horses are notoriously awkward and skittish creatures!"
Rubbish the horses soon get used to the planes, the same as they get used to cars, on the road. Plus I have witnessed many with the wind up their tails, during aircraft movements.
"In consideration, a part of the problem frequently appears to involve aircraft on the way to Manston from elsewhere overflying Maypole village which is out of bounds to aircraft operating from the strip and Maypole pilots studiously avoid the village to the East."
No they don't & their noise envelope covers roughly the whole parish.
"As for noise and pollution, I have never run my engine up for 20 minutes anywhere near the boundary of the airfield. I use the end of the runway for that for about 20 seconds to check the magneto difference before the takeoff roll."
Yes you have, many times.
"Instead, try the sound of a neighbour's lawnmower and perhaps tractors working on the farm which are more intrusive than a light aircraft."
My neighbours are very considerate with their mowers, at least they have silencers, whereas aircraft do not. And as for tractors working on the farm, well it only cuts the grass & picks up the horse poo.
"Finally, I can't grasp the objection to an emergency services aircraft stopping overnight in special operational circumstances"
Why was Lydd not used as it is far more appropriate & has emergency services available, none of which is available at Maypole.?????????
"please do be serious rather than simply obsessive about an airstrip which averages I would guess, less than six movements a day!"
You may need to check the airstrip movement log, before making such statements. Plus most do not take-off & go anywhere, they just circle like noisy vultures.
Finally, the reason that alledgedly I am termed "vindictive complainent" is that I was democratically voted chairman of a residents group by 110 Hoath residents to represent their protection of amenities. That being 25% of the Hoath electorate, not a bad turn out!!
'MR X'
You are a sad man Mr X and if you had a little more backbone than spite, you might even publish your name here rather than throw allegations around!!
Your knowledge of aviation is demonstrably minimal and prejudiced. As for running my aircraft engine for 20 minutes on the ground, get real. First it would overheat and second it would cost rather alot of money in wasted fuel at 40 litres an hour
Thirdly, even if I did, I'm nowhere near your home anyway and from experience sitting at the pub it's difficult to hear aircraft from the road anyway. Should anyone doubt this, please visit the Prince of Wales in Hoath village. It's an excellent pub which serves the most fanastic menu at reasonable prices and is well worth a visit!
So rather than follow me around with a pair of binoculars and an airband scanner, do get a life!
It's an airfield, it's been there for a very long time and pilots try very hard not to inconvenience local people in any way. I would suggest that passing cars and tractors create more inconvenience and noise and once again, a quick look at Google maps clearly shows any curious observer the true distance between the runway and the village.
If your complaints had any merit over the years, I'm sure appropriate remedies would have been taken or recommendations made but it's still there and rather like Rick looking for any opportunity to lecture us tediously on treason and the history of the IRA in Thanet, you look for any opportunity to express your own very personal outrage at having a small farm-strip close-by!
Last post!!!
Simon yes I am a very sad person, sad that you can't answer valid questions & sad that you can't see anyones elses point of view.
A bit like a Muslim, if your not with us your against us.
I'm also very sad for your constituents who I am told,have an arrogant, pompous knob as their councillor.
You know exactly who 'mr x' is, if you are still in denial ask, the careing owners of the strip.
The only reason that no enforcement action has yet been taken, despite reams of legitimate evidence, is that CCC have no backbone & are known as one of the lazyest enforcers in the country.
Actually I do have a backbone & a lot of integrity, unfortunatly though, my backbone does not work properly, that is why I use a wheelchair, a nice quiet one, that's not anti-social.
Richard Attenborough Esq.
Ladies! Put those handbags away now please!
You do seem to collect more than your fair share of unhappy and obsessive causes here ECR, OVIT, Rick Card, Mr X etc, each with an axe to grind and an audience which won't take them seriously!
Unlike yourself!! HA,HA,HA,HA.
Maybe I attract these people, Dr M, because they have tried to get their points across on certain other blogs only to be stonewalled.
People can say what they want here (within the bounds of the law). They can even call me 'a complete and utter twat', a 'dole cheat' or 'pathetic, sick and demented' (which they have) and I'll not flinch! Most of those comments seem to come from Thanet Lifers, I may add, with their own peculiar axes to grind.
As someone who has previously characterised me as 'a welfare scrounger with an axe to grind', I'm sure even you appreciate the taste of free expression that I've brought to Thanet!
I think we have to agree to differ on the subject of freedom of expression and responsibility for what appears on one's weblog, particularly when it's demonstrably malicious or mendacious in content!
Yes Simon...I don't understand why YOU allow such content on your pathetic attempt at a Blog.
So 'welfare sponger with a political axe to grind' is neither malicious nor mendacious as long as it's you saying it about someone else on your blog Dr M?
Nice to see your Daily Mail style hypocrisy making a comeback, we've missed it!
Anonymous is:
Mr Richard Attenborough of Hilltop Cottage, Hoath Road, Knaves Ash, Hoath, CT3 4JR, 01227 860315
Sad he cannot admit it!
He actually put his name to his post at 8:13pm Sherlock!
Shame that 2-56 had not taken their medication, or put THEIR name to the posting. Perhaps they've not got a backbone,,,, I hope Moores does not find out , but then that will not matter, they're all from the same nest of vipers & cowardly bullies.
One of the Richard Attenborough's
2--56 I've never seen that sort of info on a Blog before.
In fact one of the most disgraceful & crass.
The Grim Reaper.
Blogger DrM. said...
The Coastguard Islander was based there for 24 hours while Manston was closed.
Good Morning,
Please be advised the airport has not been closed for 27 hours at anytime.
However NOTAM’d scheduled maintenance on the airfield has been completed over the past few months accordingly.
It has been brought to our attention that once again, 'anon' has been spreading malicious lies about Maypole Airfield. Just to put the record straight, the airfield has been in existence for nearly 40 years now and we have owned it for the last 10. During that time no planning restrictions have been breached. We do find it rather sad, that this vendetta is continuing - now aimed at Dr. Simon Moores and indirectly at us. Other pilots have been targeted in the past by 'anonymous' - all to no avail.
We well remember the time 'anon' reported to the CAA that an aeroplane had landed at Maypole, with an illegal registration. 'Anon' had misread the registration. That aeroplane belonged to a CAA inspector! We believe that 'Anon 'is now on the list of vexatious complainants at the CAA as well as the council. Just for the record, Dr. Moores is an extremely professional and competent pilot. At no time has he, or any of the other pilots 'run up their engines' for 20 mins. for all the reasons explained to you by Dr. Moores.
I object to the insinuation that he has 'bought' his doctorate. Dr. Moores is a highly educated gentleman, who is well liked and respected in both the local and flying communities and who works tirelessly to make Thanet a better place in which to live. It is our opinion that 'anon', appears to be a jealous, sad old man with a huge chip on his shoulder, who has nothing better to do, than to poke his wrinkly old nose into things that he knows absolutely nothing about.
Unfortunately, most airfields have a NIMBY – the authorities know who they are and, as in this case, no one takes a blind bit of notice them. Maypole Airfield has full planning permission and will continue to operate long after ‘anon’ is pushing up daisies.
Sally and Andy Haigh
1-25... NIMBY'S that don't like Nimby's,, how bizarre.
Don't worry 1.25 I shall soon be gone , but it will be too hot for daises where i'm going.
Love, Light & Peace.
Oh dear, so sad you continue with your vendetta. What do you hope to achieve ? You won't close Maypole Airfield, it has been here longer than you and it will continue to operate as an airfield as long as we want it to. Are you still smarting from the court case that you lost ? Just be aware that if any more if this harassement continues from either you or Attenborough then we (and I mean all the pilots that have been targeted) will club together and take you both to court) We have ammassed enough evidence now to do it. The choice is yours. Either you back off, or we will take you to court. Do I make myself clear ?
I don’t much care for the foul language used by your “Anonymous” poster against my wife.
I suggest you take this posting down immediately.
Andy Haigh
01227 860374
See you in court...bully.
Like I've said before (sigh), I will always respond to polite email requests to remove abusive postings. Although Mr Haigh's request could hardly be deemed polite (brusque would be the word I'd use), and goes some way to confirming the original commentator's view of aviation folk, I have removed the offending 'foul language'.
The comment now reads:
Sally Haigh illustrates perfectly the incredible, snobby arrogance of anyone involved in the aviation industry there I think.
Complain for long enough? Then we'll put you on the 'vexatious' complainers list and ignore you.
Your complainer might be a bit long in the tooth? Then deride him for the possibility he might die before you do.
Just because you can fly, it doesn't mean you can't crash and burn. Just because you are up in the air, it doesn't mean you are gods looking down and lording it over the rest of us. The Greeks knew all about hubris - remember Icarus.
And by the way, I am not the 'vexatious complainer', just somebody who feels sorry for him having to live next to an arrogant ---- like you.
I think that's fair enough, don't you?
Did you really have to include the gentleman's phone number?
Yes they are vexatious hypocrites.
Actually I think you enjoy stirring up trouble. Neither I, nor my husband will be looking at your site in future. We felt we had to defend the untrue allegations that Richard Attenborough has made against our airfield, once again. What we did not expect was the verbal abuse from somebody who does not even know us. Oh well, guess they are just jealous. It happens all the time.
Sally - such a shame you won't be looking at my site in future as I was going to say 'see you next Tuesday'.
Ah well, robbed of another of life's little pleasures. Again.
Oh, and the 'gentleman's' phone number is the publicly listed Maypole Airfield number, 9:05, so I should imagine he'll be grateful for the publicity.
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