Friday, May 15, 2009

East Of The Wantsum

I dunno! For the second time in five weeks, East of the Wantsum has gone west. So apologies if you shelled out 60p on the Gazunder today. Your money was wasted. Here's what you would have seen (click on image to enlarge) if the paper's lovely editrix, Rebecca, hadn't forgotten to put it in again. Kuh! You slave all day over a hot computer, type your knuckles to the bone...

At least Rebecca was kind enough to ask: 'How can I make it up to you?' However, my response that she could make it up by running a campaign to stop mad councillors fixing it for Infratil to fly knackered old 747s over my cliff top mansion all night long met with the kind of one word response Douglas Hogg has been palming journos off with recently when questioned about moat-related activities.

Ne'er mind. I've got a whole evening of nothing to look forward to. Here I am, over 18, bored, willing to help others... if only... but wait... what's this on page 19? It could be just the ticket...


Anonymous said...

The Lib-Dems do not have a district council leader because they don't have a district council group, but the Independents have a district council group and a leader.

With all the news about expenses with the big 3 parties, people are expected to vote Independent on June 4th.

My husband and I will VOTE INDEPENDENT FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! use your vote for independents!

Anonymous said...

You need to raise your sights, ECR. while you are still focussing on local real-life politicians and political skull-duggery, Doctor of Philosophy Moores is now spouting the bible and Jesus over on his blog.

Does this mean he is forging or boasting new connections? Is Pope (and former member of the Hitler Youth) Benedict now in his gift?

Who the f*ck does that p*at think he is?

Anonymous said...

The Lib-dems are a waste of space. You only see or hear from them around election time. For example, what is the Lib-dem position on Manston? We know that the TGories and Labout think it's a marvellous idea and should be supported reagrdless of the consequences. But what do the Lib-dems think? I think we should be told.

Anonymous said...

Why is the Isle of Thanet Gazette so solidly in favour of the airport? Should it be retitled the Margate Gazette?

Anonymous said...

One wonders what other articles Rebecca "forgot" to put in her paper. Presumably, the emerging scandal of Thanet's contaminated water supply is still sitting on her desk somewhere.

Anonymous said...

How can you have a leader of the Independent? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?

Anonymous said...

Over in Ramsgate you might be able to vote for Independants on the town council but as far as we know the candidates for the KCC elections are from the main out what might happen in the TDC elections in 2 years time think they'll be more independants standing if Tories still have same characters at the helm!

Anonymous said...

Independents tend to turn Tory when the time is right, just like the old "ratepayers" did. And then of course there are the actual turncoats, like Ken Gregory.