Monday, August 11, 2008

China Gateway In The Bag?

Crumbs! I see that only three weeks ago CGP, the people who want to build a 3m sq ft Chinese Business Park here on the Ile de Thanet, announced they were 'in talks with Beijing Huaqi Information Digital Technology Co. Ltd. regarding the possible lease of Manston site property to the latter, and expect a decision next month.'

Quite whether the decision they expected was from Beijing Huaqi etc etc or Thanet Council is unclear. But with the planning meeting slated for the 20th of this month, one can only, er, speculate!

Meanwhile I've picked up this little snippet from CGP's website:

The Company is in negotiations with a large Chinese company with a view to forming a joint venture to develop the Manston Site as a major distribution centre for both the UK and Europe for Chinese manufacturing companies taking advantage of the proximity to Dover Harbour. (Not Ramsgate, then?)

The Directors believe that such a project could give significant added value to the Manston Site (i.e make it worth a bomb if they get planning permission) and are discussing with local politicians ways to progress this project.

The Directors believe that the prospects of employment in the area arising from such a venture would facilitate the grant of consent for change of user and, in the process, deliver the possibility of adding value for Shareholders

Meanwhile there's as yet no mention of ChinaGatewayGate on CGP's 'media coverage' page, despite the Gazunder's front page splash on Friday. I thought, as a company listed on the stock market, they were obliged to inform investors of anything that might materially affect their share price? Oh well, perhaps I dreamt that up!

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