Friday, July 30, 2010

Asdy Asy Dy

Reader Bill has sent me the above cutting from today's Isle of Thanet Gazunder. As you can see, it shows a group of grown men clasping their, er, orchids with the caption 'Asdas tdt as dyy asdy asy dy asy dy asy dasy dy asy dy asd'.

Which translates roughly as 'Nob sub forgets to change caption place holder.' Honestly, the standards of journalism these days!


Bluenote said...

Could be the new 'international' language of Thanet which is universally understood by immigrants and indigenous monosyllabic grunters alike? Certainly displays the limited alphabet of some!

Anonymous said...

Can't be local as it doesn't end in "Innit' or contain "like" three times. Might be a Netto customer asking where the nearest Asda is.

Anonymous said...

thought local blurb had to contain F*** at least 3 times per sentence??

Anonymous said...

Pleased to see they are keeping up the high standard of journalism that they have attained