Football fever isn't something I indulge in more than once every four years, but I'm pleased to see local tunesmith Lonnie Donegan Jr has re-worked and re-released his dad's 1966 World Cup Willie anthem for this year's footie fest in South Africa. Who knows, perhaps it'll do the trick again 44 years later.
Meanwhile it seems a bunfight is brewing between Thanet's cabbies and our beloved council over whether they'll be able to fly the (made in China) England flag from the roofs of their P reg Peugeots while the tournament's on. One annoyed taxi driver told me recently it was his right as an England supporter, and that there'd be a riot in Cecil Square if the jobsworths put the mockers on patriotic displays of footie fervour!
The Muslim cabbies hereabouts all have England footie flags flying from their cabs.
anon again!
Canterbury CC gave in to the cabbies wishes, and so too, should the TDC crets.
Who could possibly be so un-patriotic and get away with it.
Odd that TDC do so much and achieve so little
Not when you reflect upon your own life, Donny, baby.
How rude!
I agree with Lucy. Quite uncouth and unwarranted in Don's case.
And besides, shouldn't that read 'Thanet Lad Gets His Dad's Willy Out For England'?
Technically yes, Lucy, but wasn't his dad a dustman or was that his granddad?
I can safely say that come the start of the WC, ban or no ban Thanet cabbies will be patriotically flying the cross of St George on our taxis.
ECR if you had punters like our Lucy falling in your car at 2am, would you drive anything other than a P reg Peugeot.
No, I suppose not Rearend!
It's enough to make a taxi driver shoot 11 people.
The dustman was his old man's old man, so was either his father's father or his father's willy.
I can see that line of thought leading to a fair bit of confusion, though.
Now then Rear View Rimmer, or whatever you call yourself. If you think, for one second, that I'd put my life in the hands of someone who assumes, often mistakenly, that because they spend most of their life at the wheel, that they're better drivers than anyone else, sober, then you truly have the imagination and wit of a taxi driver.
You don't have to wear seat-belts because you're always in and out of your taxi, making them more of a hazard than a benefit.
Why not actually get in and out of your taxi, rather than sitting on your lazy arse, honking your horn and causing half the people in the road to spill their tea?
And thanks for lending the idea of something bitch at, in the morning!
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