Friday, July 31, 2009

Euroferries Set For Blast Off!

I don't ordinarily publish Thanet Council press releases, but this one's been eagerly awaited for months! Enjoy!

A new fast ferry service, which will provide great travel links between Ramsgate and Boulogne, has been agreed between Thanet District Council and Euroferries.

The new cross channel passenger service ‘ Bonanza Express’, will see five daily crossings between the two ports and will be operated in conjunction with renowned fast ferry operator Fred Olsen. It will carry a combination of cars, foot passengers, coaches and a limited amount of freight and caravans to the continent and is expected to commence in September.

Fast Ferry

A second vessel is expected to join the service in 2010 to help increase passenger capacity.

The state of the art ferry will reach speeds of up to 38 knots and is expected to provide a rapid journey time of 75 minutes. Onboard the vessel, passengers will be treated to an extensive ‘tax paid’ shopping area, restaurants and first class designated area.

As part of this agreement it is also anticipated that this new service will provide two dedicated passenger terminals, one at Ramsgate and one at Boulogne, which are expected to include shopping areas, restaurant and waiting lounge facilities.

Deputy Leader of the council, Cllr Roger Latchford said: 'We are delighted that Euroferries, working in partnership with Fred Olsen will be operating out of the Port of Ramsgate. The council has been working very hard to regenerate the area of Thanet, and this additional ferry service, which will operate from Ramsgate will provide much needed employment opportunities as well as greatly enhancing tourism prospects to the area. The quick crossing times and easy access into both ports will make this service an attractive alternative route into France and will really prove an invaluable part of the wider regeneration of the district. This is a great attraction for Thanet and we extend a warm welcome to Euroferries and wish them every success.'

Per Staehr Chairman of Euroferries said: 'The signing of this Agreement with Thanet District Council enables us to look forward to building a long term relationship with the local community. Our new five crossing a day high speed service, will be focused on tourist traffic and takes full advantage of the new motorways both to Ramsgate and Boulogne along with the fast turn round terminal facilities within both Ports. This agreement permits us to shortly announce the release of the new web booking service, further details and the provision of our new commuter coach service between London's Stratford Hub and Ramsgate serving Canterbury and the Medway towns. Whilst, today is Thanet District Council's special occasion, we are delighted to attend and to welcome our partner Fred Olsen. The impending arrival of Bonanza Express, Incat 96m in its new Euroferries livery will provide the opportunity for Euroferries to welcome you when we will make further announcements.'

Cllr Peter Campbell, deputy leader of the Labour Group in Thanet, welcomed the news that EuroFerries are to run a new ferry service from Ramsgate Port. 'This is really good news for Ramsgate & Thanet. Our Labour Group supports an expanding and vibrant port, creating new jobs and boosting the local economy. May this service flourish'.

Click here for Euroferries website


Anonymous said...

shame Clive Hart could not be bothered to comment, still, when Peter Cambell takes over the labour Group we may see some real cross party working

Anonymous said...

Anybody considered that Clive Hart might be on holiday? Cheap jibe, anonymous 3.39.

In the know said...

Typical Thanet Tories always sniping. This is great news for Ramsgate. Well done Steve Ladyman!

Anonymous said...

This is excellent news for Canterbury and London. You can just wave as the coaches pass by.

Richard Eastcliff said...

No word in the press release about who will be paying for the works required to Port Ramsgate for the new ferry. Is it Euroferries? Or is it us, the council taxpayer? I think we should be told!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how to copy a photo to you but look at Thanet Strife and you will see the most recent photo of BE without EF livery ! taken in Tenerife... around the 22nd of July.

What is meant by 'tax-paid' shopping ?

Anonymous said...

I see the moaning minnie on Thanet Strife is still saying it won't go ahead. Is there anything that man actually wants to happen here in Thanet?

Westgate Old Lady said...

Hara! Boulogne is just so much better for decent restaurants than Thanet - I'm looking forward to relocating the girls weekly luncheon.

Anonymous said...

Any word on ticket prices yet?

Anonymous said...

Decent fish restaurants at decent prices.

In the know said...

You can read all about Euroferries boss Per Staehr on - click on the link.

However I think he is just the front man.

Mike Harrison said...

Anon 3.39 said,

"shame Clive Hart could not be bothered to comment,"

Peter Cambell is the Labour spokesman for all things Harbour and Port related so it is only right that he comments.

No doubt Clive will put his comments out in the fullness of time.

Bertie Biggles said...

5:36, you really should read Strife items carefully and grasp what 'the moaning minnie' is saying before you distort what I have written.

But of course, silly me, distortion is actually your intent!

Son of Eric said...

Note how all the Labour people comment in their own names about these matters and the Tories all have to hide behind anonymity. Same on all the other blogs. Steve Ladyman delivers again and where is Roger Latchford's statement about the audit report 10s or is it 100s of thousands of pounds wasted at Ramsgate Port on his watch? The silence is deafening.

5:36pm said...

You spend all your time finding fault with things Paul that is not a distortion that is fact. Apologies if things in Thanet do not run quite along military lines but we are doing our best. Why not just admit you were wrong on this or would that be too much loss of face to bear?

Anonymous said...

Most product launches whether they are a transport service or just a consumable will have a concrete timetable of events and processes that are required to deliver on time. In the case of this new ferry service presumably they have in place staff recruitment and training, producing publicity material, booking and ticketing serves, the ordering of on board and on shore supplies etc. So why does the press release just give a vague september date and the euroferries web site give august?

I think after the March false start people are right to be sceptical.
Have Euroferries really got a business plan or are they making it up as they go along?

In the know said...

If you look at the bold plans for apartments on the harbour on SMEG, Strife and Thannet and then posit that one day the council might sell off the entire port harbour and marina, combine that with contingency clauses in Euroferries' contract as to who gets first dibs in that eventuality, one might come to the conclusion that this is a sprat to catch a mackerel.

Anonymous said...

At the very least Euroferries might do something to publicise Ramsgate as a channel pport as Transeuropa do sweet f*ck all in that way of things.

Anonymous said...

Seems Transeuropa bosses are steaming.
Thanet council will invest £1 million in the port to refurbish the old Holyman-Sally building and infrastructure.

This while TDC promised Transeuropa they would the only passengeroperator in the port. Seems EF will also pay very little porttaxes.
Heard that Transeuropa is looking to move to Dover. They are furious...

Anonymous said...

Trans who? Whatever....

Anonymous said...

Things are looking up,pleasurama site,dreamland,new ferry service,any chance of rebuilding the marina swimming pool?

Lucy Mail said...

Is it a bit early for a Nero's 3000?
Nero's 2000 was great, but would probably seem a bit dated, now.

Anonymous said...

Utter drivel?

Five crossings a day with very limited traffic or fuel costings?

Three months down the line the local tax payer will be left facing the bill.

It took some three goes for the contract and monies to be sorted out. I wonder if good old Steve was in the know?

Why its a known fact a cabinet member ordered some lackey at TDC to keep going back for more (in a twisted fashion)!!!


Neptune Watcher said...

Has anybody noticed that the Euroferries website was updated Saturday morning with the TDC press release, and now has reverted back to the fairy story that has been on there for months? Surely nobody in Thanet is daft enough to believe a service is starting shortly - no timetable, no fares, nothing ..... and even if they set up a booking system who would be daft enough to part with their money? Current whereabouts of the Phantom Bonanza Express unknown! Supposed to start in September, with all that dodgy autumn weather!! Get real!

Paul said...

Neptune Watcher....go onto this link, shows the Bonanza Express clearly moored in Santa Cruz...

Anonymous said...

peter cambell for king

Anonymous said...

10:08 Got it right - new ferry service, Pleasurame, Dreamland - is there no end to Tory success? Roger Latchford for King!

Anonymous said...

Sandy for Pres! After all, he makes Obama look like a stumblebum!

Anonymous said...

the "representative" from Fred Olsen was a guy from Siblu Holidays, Hemelhempstead - a Mr Murphy .....