It's fair to say that our local planning department, headed up by senior TDC officer Brian 'Ee-ba-gum' White, achieves, er, mixed results. Admittedly they now appear to be doing the right thing by the Grade II listed Marina Restaurant on Ramsgate front, which was, um, 'accidentally' demolished by developers Auclair a year and a half ago. This week they've recommended compulsory purchase.
But over in Dumpton Park Drive there's a continuing stink over a lump of land which the Cecil Square duffers want to give themselves planning permission to build a four bedroom house on. The idea being that they'll get more for the land when they flog it off to developers. Trouble is, it doesn't appear to be their land. Upset neighbours have now applied to KCC for 'village green' protection status for the strip. The whole sorry saga has been well documented on Bertie Biggles' excellent Thanet Strife blog, and this Saturday there'll be a summer party on the plot from 2pm at which local MP Dr Steve Ladychap is expected to put in an appearance.
So, if cocked-up planning notices, ongoing eyesores and the pursuit of self-interest against the wishes of local residents is the kind of thing you'd like to mutter about as you sip your Earl Grey and nibble your cucumber sarnies, get along on Saturday and show the TDC planners how you feel!
build on it and keep those nasty nimby's pissed off
I'm with you mate. They have it pretty good on DPD as it is.
In reply to the two 'brain-donors' above, it's got nothing to do with 'Nimby' or the 'good-life' and everything to do with the law. You can't sell what you don't own. TDC have no freehold title to ALL of the land upon which the plans of the house are situated, yet they're attempting to give themselves planning permission for it. Why? Whenever Brian White is asked that question, he never answers it. Why?
Because he's a daft northern cunt?
I smell brown envelopes
The event was a great success. Well-attended. Loads of lovely grub. Plenty of councillors from both sides of the chamber and an MP plus lots of really interesting people.
strange how the well heeled residents of Dumpton Park drive can rustle up councillers and an MP at a moments notice but the poor guys out at Lydden where Brian White has built a housing estate up against peoples windows without so much as a by your leave have to tear up their sheets and paint protest messages on them just to get noticed
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