Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thanet Loopy

Remember my trip on the buses a couple of months ago? Reader Jane has written in to report a similar experience:

The other night I heard a commotion outside the house. When I looked out of my bedroom window, yet another Thanet Loop bus had got itself stuck up the back streets behind Victoria Parade. The problem seems to be temporary drivers seconded from other areas, who, not knowing Ramsgate, turn prematurely before Victoria Road. The sign on Victoria Parade is slightly misleading and if you didn't know the area you might think it points up D'Este Road.

I had plenty of time to get my camera, so appropriately enough I turned the photos into this loop. Now I know how my car got mysteriously damaged a few months ago!

Well Jane, I'm not sure if we can put all criminal damage in the area down to the Thanet Loop, but clearer signs might be a good idea. Turn very tight, please!
pimp your myspace at


Anonymous said...

Maybe we should suggest to our Loopy friends that a few new flashing neon signs might be helpful - such as


Anonymous said...

Totally agree the sign is so misleading, and does send drivers up the wrong road. But imagine any reaction from KCC will be that it's in the right place and do nothing further to correct it!!