Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dickie The Dosh Disher

Urgh! I'm still suffering from the effects of the after party. But it was worth it to see Terry doing the conga around TV Centre yet again with his boxers on his head. It's a bit of an old party trick of his.

Many thanks for all your comments yesterday. We had 21, plus the promise of a fiver from 'Captain Killer', which tots up to a total of £26 for Children in Need. Slightly down on last year, but I suppose everyone's feeling the pinch. Er, except it was my money of course. Maybe the fact that comment moderation is on to avoid having to hand out any more dosh to the men in wigs has saved me money after all. Albeit in an unintended kind of way!

Donate direct - click here to go to Children in Need website


Anonymous said...

May be dickie old bird you should perhaps pledge a oncer for every day Euroferries dont or havent run from the proposed start date, if you think proceeds are down

Anonymous said...

Since March 31st that's a lot of quids !!!!!

Michael Child said...

Sorry I didn’t get there in time Richard, if I had noticed in time I could have used a computer program to make multiple posting automatically.

Anonymous said...

Though they'd all be from the same IP address, and easily spotable as such, wouldn't they, Mr Cleverclogs.