Of the 78 people who voted in my 7 day poll, only 15 thought that having a 400 tonne Oasis Hong Kong Airlines 747 flying feet from their bonces every five minutes didn't constitute an annoyance. The results in full:
Question: Are Manston training flights a nuisance?
Yes: 73% (57 votes)
No: 19% (15 votes)
Can't hear myself think: 6% (5 votes)
Don't know: 1% (1 vote)
Let's hope this gives our local politicians (step forward Councillor Green) the ammunition to press for tighter control of these flights such as perhaps a weekend ban, or at the very least better monitoring, and publication of the flight times and any trangressions on the Manston and/or TDC websites.
Meanwhile you can sign my Downing Street petition here. Let's see if we can swell number of signatures to above, um, 30!
Nah. According to Sandy Ezekiel there is no noise, not even a plane, not even an airport! And according to Christopher Wells, you are just representative of a vocal minority, so stop complaining. You know the Ruling Party knows best.
If it wasn't for vocal minorities we'd still have slavery and women still wouldn't have the vote. ¡Viva los Richardistas!
Pherhaps tony of the north side
will stop bitching about a subject
he clearly knows nothing about,
also Dr biggles all seeing eye will also be quiet as we do not need an expert opinion to tell us
what we can hear and what we can't
ECR your poll has a flaw, as I replied to you on the Bignews Margate site, I was able to cast my vote at least four times so how many of the anti vote were mutiple ones?
Official result, no way!
Tony, Thats assuming people are as dishonest as you!!
Interesting. So what you're saying, Tony Not Of The North Side, is that the number of people who don't think training flights are a nuisance was artificially inflated by your self-confessed electoral fraud!
Which means an even higher percentage are against the flights than this poll suggests!
In fact isn't it about time you came clean and admitted you're the only person in Ramsgate who's in favour of them! I rest my (flight)case.
Besides, I've moved to Broadstairs now, so none of this is of any interest to me any more.
The response to your petition has been pitiful and you know it.
If I was a religious man, I would be praying that you don't get your way and Thanet ends up with Manston the housing estate.
Have you considered ear defenders
Anon 8:55 I think I am being honest by proving that the poll can be exploited, how many of the anti brigade will be equally as honest, by saying they have made more than one vote?
ECR,sorry,EER in case you get homesick, this is for you
i can honestly say I havent.
So only the two Tonies and the Tories in favour of the training flights then.
I presume, Tony 1, that you managed to rig your vote by using a number of different computers, as the poll downloads a cookie to prevent people voting twice from the same computer. I think it's fair to assume that most people who voted do not have access to the vast banks of technology that you do down there. Either that or TDC kit is set up not to accept cookies, in which case I would have expected many more rigged votes in favour of the flights, seeing as TDC supports them.
Anyway, it's a lot quieter here in Broadstairs. Very quiet in fact. Sleepy even.
No I used the same laptop at all times, from my home, so as I stated before you have a flaw in your system
The two Tonies and the Tories are trying to say that this vote does not count and that anybody against the training flights must just be a vocal minority or if 70 of them vote in a poll then the poll must be rigged. Pathetic.
It just proves if you are going to do a poll, do it properly, ie: face to face, person to person, door to door etc.
Yes I'd much rather trust a TDC person going round houses with bits of paper to get at the truth LOL! You have clearely forgotten the pathetic questions they asked when they tried to get us to agree to the pool being relocated.
Anonymous 10.37
Who says it's got to be TDC that does it?
The poll on this site was fair OK so you managed to rig it that doesnt prove anyone else did. Your just wingeing because it shows that most people are against these flights. If TDC employed Mori or someone they could rig it so the questions were biased towards the outcome they wanted thats what happens all the time with polls so get real and stop whining.
That was Anonymous 10.37 by the way.
Anonymous 10.37
Funny how the ever vocal Tony Flaig believes it is whingeing to complain about these training flights yet AGREED with Roger Gale and others who complained about the noise from train horns.
Quite. He knew there was a railway there when he moved there. It's been there for even longer than the airport. He even works on the blinking railway. And still he has the cheek to whinge about it!
To be fair to the pie-man (not sure why I should be), the issue was that he could not see why people were complaining about the horns on the new trains - a complaint led by Roger Gale. He and "Mrs Me" - how egocentric is that - were then having a riverside walk near a railway line, they heard the noise and decided it was/is intrusive. He then cosied up to the MP. Strange that he can find that noise a nuisance, but a low flying jumbo... Perhaps he thinks it's a sausage.
To be fair on Man Eating Sausage, and the other Tony, they only seem to be expressing a heartfelt view that the training flights are good for Manston, and that the area needs Manston to thrive, create jobs and wealth, etc.
Personally I think that's misguided, and that there's enough potential in these parts to create, given the right leadership, a vibrant economy without sacrificing one of the best things we've got going for us - the environment.
Trouble is that people seem to have had their expectations lowered so many times by the likes of, dare I say, Dr Biggles, with his '25% are on benefits', 'we're at the end of teh known world', 'you can never expect the council to get an excellent rating given what it has to deal with', that they're happy to grasp at thin straws like training flights.
Don't worry - according to this morning's news we will all soon be driving round in individual flying saucers about 10 feet from the ground so Manston can become a saucer park for Westwood Cross - problem solved.
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