Monday, May 19, 2014

Three In The Bed, And The Little One Said...

Unholy alliances! It seems that Thanet's two Tory MPs have now jumped into bed with our beloved council's new Labour leader to form a threesome aimed at compulsorily purchasing defunct Manston airport!

Quite how Sir Roger Wind managed to seduce lovely Laura and, er, Labour Iris into taking part in his fantasy, lord knows! Although as you can see from my montage, he was a bit of a charmer back in the day (1943). It's also beyond the wit of any ordinary person to imagine why a Thatchersaurus like Sir Rog is willing to pour oodles and squoodles of public money into what is not much more than a hole in the ground.

And as usual, poor old Windy has got his facts wrong. There is no planning permission for an airport at Manston. Never has been. Unless Iris, who was apparently on the blower to the site's owner last night, has offered to deliver one in the post.

Furthermore, as I understand it, a CPO has to be demonstrably in the public interest. There is no public interest issue at stake here. None of the higher-ups that Windy has been appealing to have shown any desire to keep Manston as an airport in the 'public interest'. Au contraire, they have tried to educate him about the commercial realities of 21st century Britain, rather than the Dambusters dream world that exists between his ears. Ann Gloag's commercial lawyers would make mincemeat of a CPO, and charge us poor council taxpayers a few Bentleys for the pleasure of doing so.

As for the failed bidders having 'every chance of succeeding', well that's just plain laughable. A consortium composed of asset-strippers, people who have failed twice before to make a go of Manston, and some chap the High Court has labelled a dodgy geezer, offering a miniscule percentage of what the place is worth as a development site, does not constitute a viable alternative.

Anyways, here's Windy's statement in full...

North Thanet`s MP, Sir Roger Gale, is supporting  calls for the compulsory purchase, by Thanet District Council, of Manston Airport.

Speaking following a weekend of discussions with local and national political leaders Sir Roger has said:

'Laura Sandys and I are of the view, which I have reason to understand  is shared by the new Labour Leadership of Thanet District Council and by the Conservative Opposition, that with the closure of the airfield the best way to secure a new future for aviation at Manston will be for a Compulsory Purchase Order to be placed upon the site which has, at present, planning consent only as an airport. This is detailed in the very recent draft of the local plan so there should be little difficulty in establishing existing use and thus for the local authority to acquire and then perhaps lease out or sell on the site at a sensible price.

'Clearly the Council will wish to prepare its own study of options based upon legal advice but the opinion that we have been offered is that a bid to place a CPO on the airfield would succeed and that it could be readily funded. If that is so then it ought to be possible to remove the airport from the hands of those who clearly have other objectives and to restore Manston to its rightful place as part of our airport capacity in the South East.

'From the work that has already been done we have good reason to believe that those who wish to re-open the airport and have the capacity to do so have every chance of succeeding where others have seemingly chosen to fail and we hope and expect that TDC`s senior officers, acting on instructions from elected Members, will take a very robust line.

We have to dispel the impression given, arising from discussions that apparently took place with TDC officers earlier in the year, that housing is a “done deal” and that anything other than airport use is on the agenda. As Iris Johnston has made publicly clear, it is not'.


Unknown said...

Previous owners threw in the towel because of the constant negativity displayed in certain quarters, especially TDC leadership, towards expansion plans and a quota of night flights. Now it looks like the current owner is likely to face the same sort of negativity towards her housing plans only, this time, with both Labour and Conservative politicians lined up against her.

Since she must still be losing money daily, even with the airport closed, how long will she be prepared to do that if her plans are constantly frustrated.

Just look at the Arlington Tesco which got the green light yonks ago yet is still stalled mainly by the efforts of one Margate resident who has now got yet another high court injunction.

This is far from a done deal yet and, as we know in Thanet only too well, plans and projects can drag on for years. Pleasurama, Dreamland, Royal Pavilion, the Broadstairs Community Centre are daily reminders of things that never went to plan.

stargazer said...

Time for this failed airport salesman to be kicked uphill to the house of Lords to join the other clapped out superfluous Politian's,

Anonymous said...

You've referred to Gale's apparent commercial naïveté - to put the most generous spin on it - in some detail recently. Add to this his climbing into bed with Riveroak, who seem to have links with some very dodgy characters, if the BBC reports are true, and you really do have to question the nasty old buffer's judgement. NOW, he wants an unspecified amount of public money use to compulsorily purchase the airport. At least the public money he likes to see shovelled into his, and his employed (by him) wife's accounts are only measured in tens of thousands.

Anonymous said...

They are getting desperate now. Start a petition to say "No to compulsory purchase"

Anonymous said...

I hope Ann Gloag makes these muppets hurt – 'cause all their doing is hurting us.

Anonymous said...

William, your facts are incorrect. Councils of all colours have had open arms to the airport for anything they asked for. Chek out the decade old red team s166 agreement which your could drive a bus through ( or a 747 in the middle of the night); the BAWC pitch where night flights were simply waived through by council; or the recent night flights response by TDC which was merely 'consultitive'. Ie, it could be ignored.

TDC will have to engage with her as she owns 700 acres of TDC land, but she will get what she wants out of it. If her activities so far are anything to go by, that means not selling it and it not being an airport, more likely houses.

But of course you warren buffets all know differently, don't you?

Anonymous said...


It's called Land-banking. If you want to see how it works, read the past 5 years company reports from the top 5 house builders. Her costs will be a fraction of the £10k a day Infraquid sustained so she can play a long-game with the duffers and starve TDC into submission.

Give up old man.

Anonymous said...

elections this week innit.

on a more relevant note, i see ramsgate got a blue flag but margate didn't. oh...

Anonymous said...

This CPO can only be described as truly ridiculous, there seems many reasons that other people have pointed out already why this will not come to fruition.
I am agog that Gale still holds a seat of office without the Conservative party telling him to shut up or removing him from the party. It seems as though lots of uniformed people on blog sites think this has a chance. I hope that people who have lost their jobs in this Manston fiasco aren't reading this crap and given false hope to this unashamed vote grabbing moron! i hope he is fooling nobody, but after reading a few comments it seems as though a few UKIP/Conservative Prada wearing racists nimbys and general idiots seem to be taking the bait. When will Thanet get some educated people in positions of power to run Thanet as it should be as a holiday destination, not as a transport hub.
Lastly, now Gloag has asset stripped the airport and made 150 people unemployed with the land ready to be developed I wonder how many more suggestions/last ditched attempts/CPO's/interventions by ministers/ or anything else that has been dreamed up by old windy and his band of merry muppets corrupt or otherwise will Ramsgate and Thanet as a whole have to endure!!!!

Anonymous said...

And Ramsgate has the number 1 beach in Kent...

Anonymous said...

Iris Johnston, less then a week in power, must be stark raving mad to even consider a Manston CPO.......and getting into bed with Gale and Sandys is shear lunacy.

Anonymous said...

This makes Labour and the Tories unelectable next year looks like UKIP will have it made.

Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

Let's have a referendum. Manston an airfield or not. If the answer is yes then every effort should be made to make it successful.

Anonymous said...

Politicians should never get involved in business, there have been many icidents which prove it ends in tears, usually for the tax payer and council, all thats happenning here now is irresponsible to say the least, Gale cant lose if a labour controlled local authority uses tax payers money, its irresponsible, if the proposal goes through and council money which isn't there is used to buy it, gale wins again, the real losers which ever way you flip it is the person in the street, as there will be years of suppirting an old failing business before they can sell it for land development, as they will have wait for the value to increase, they can't run a port so what hope. Or do they by to sell to riveroak at cost? I am afraid this new TDC cabinet have more in common with donald duck than Ann Gloag. Listen All they are not beating a path to the door and trying to outbid each other to run it as an airport, its finished. I am afraid one week in and the new leader and cabinet have no credibility. If you want jobs make it a multi purpise site, all this fuss because 200 people in north thanet like an airport on there front door which they don't use, so the don't have to travel to another, DISGRACE..

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that anyone who has an objection in about the airport will have the final say about a CPO. I rather think blathering Gale is out of his depth and is clutching at blocked straws - instead he listens to O'Donnel and the like.

Anonymous said...

3:00, in case you had not noticed, but UKIP also want to retain the airport. You might like to think the votes come from the anti movement but the political researchers know otherwise.

You have been telling us for the last three years that Manston is finished or closing next week and yet it is still there. Truth is you simply do not know anymore than any of the rest of us do.

Anonymous said...

It was UKIP who came up with the CPO idea weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

I already know many which will not re - elect any Tories or Labour supporting this, there is not 15.000 supporters of the airport, its easy to get names from people who have no interest either way from any area in or out of thanet, look at turn outs, every time no more than 250 people, well done Thanet, showing your short sighted lack of imagination again. what do you expect however when you allow this old school back into lead. they created the mess to begin with the 106 agreement years ago, and the Tories continued it,

Anonymous said...

What jobs, no more than 150 maximum mostly part time unskilled, seriously, this is an opportunity to create something, and stop flogging a dead horse, as it has been under every owner, no one wants it as an airport, or the buyers would be queuing round the block, they are not. It doesn't all have to be houses, some could be business, leisure, or here's an idea instead of moaning about housing, lack of doctors, and schools, make some there, or is that too easy now the opportunity presents itself. small minded, lack vision, haven't a clue. so much for new broom, things haven't stayed the same or moved on, we have just gone back 20 years in Thanet, well done Iris and Co.

Anonymous said...

Build on it, homes, Schools, Doctors, Vocational training facilities, Play areas, options are many, I could go on with many more, but you fill in some blanks.

Anonymous said...

you'd think (TDC Cabinet) Micky and Mini mouse were in charge, or are they, with Goofy, Pluto, Donald, and charabelle cow, MP's Whiley Coyote (Gale), always chasing road runner (Gloag) to no effect. Then you got scarlet pimpernel, (Sandy's)they seek her here seek her there cannot find her anywhere, unless press are there with a film crew and camera, then off again. and these are our leaders, JOKE.

Anonymous said...

Ann Gloag, watch your back with this lot of politicians.
I would feel safer in a shark infested ocean, at least sharks don't smile then screw you over.

Anonymous said...

This shows Cllrs are in it for themselves, its a personal project for the airport supporters in TDC, not thinking about whats best for thanet long term or even prepared to view other points.

Anonymous said...

Theres far more worthy things to genuinly help to spend the money on, not buying a multipal failure business which at best may one day break even if your lucky.

Anonymous said...

Personal feelings, and nostalgia have no place in business, its a multi owner failed airfield nevrr made any money, they are not waiting in line to buy and run it as an airport, it was great as a war time facility, as a civil airport, it died years ago, kept running by those who want an airport to look at.

Anonymous said...

This is all due to Shifting Sands not doing her job?

Anonymous said...

4.11 ftom Bitchington, how many chances does it need, I suppose all the 4 + owners bought it to fail did they? This is the type of Thanets short sighted no vision idiocy which we are pkagued with. Will not listen to rational, logic or common sence, they just want a failed airport.

Anonymous said...

Ann Gloag knows what she is doing, Gloag will not be bullied or provoked, she will not do anything she does not want to do and will not capitulate to pressure. Gloag will do what is right for her and the long term for the site and area while making money, as this is business.

Anonymous said...

Compulsory purchase order, best joke yet, Gloags lawyers will put TDC through the shredder, the losers, the tax payer.

Anonymous said...

There is no lawful reason for a CPO, can't and won't succeed

Anonymous said...

Stick to your plan mrs Gloag

Anonymous said...

I am sure Gloag has dealt with devious sharks before, this will not phase her, she is a true visionary, with direction. What a shame Gloag doesn't run TDC.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if TDC are involved as if it becomes something else in dealing with it, will other mistermeaners be found in TDC? Would be first time, who was running things back over the last 20 years and are they worried

Anonymous said...

It is not an airport any more, its a former airfield, like an old closrd school is known as the old school, its a site to which many things can be done with

Anonymous said...

A CPO and TDC ownership is the correct way forward for Manston: to protect the water supply under the runway - and remove Gloag and Infratil completely.

Anonymous said...

Iris and Gale want to buy Manstgone, use your own money then, put your money were your mouth is, don't use council money, and the losses will be Thanets tax payers. If you ever vote for any of this lot again, you want your head testing. Vote for the independence.

Richard Eastcliff said...

Some of these comments are looking very similar. If you only have one point to make, make it once and leave it at that. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Bewildered of Birchington : This referendum of yours - where would you draw the line ? Thanet ? Kent ? the UK ? Should, for instance a person who lives near Folkestone (I'm naming no names.. ) have a vote with the same weight as mine who lives directly under the flight path ? would you say that was democratic ??

Anonymous said...

Compulsory Purchase Order Wiki

Seems like Mrs Gloag can afford to appear to see things from Iris point of view ? Look who gets to pay compensation to Mrs Gloag and meet her legal costs ? TDC.

Anonymous said...

Befuddled of Birchington - it doesn't really matter if a referendum says it 'wants' Manston or not. The real decision is whether serious players in the actual aviation industry want it - which they clearly don't if the the last 15 years is anything to go by.

Anonymous said...

Let's have a referendum. Birchington flattened and made in to a big park for Ramsgate/margate/broadstairs with no compensation for home owners . If the answer is yes then every effort should be made to make it so

some people are f***ing stupid

Anonymous said...

This is all so tiresome. What we need to know is what Mrs Gloags plans are so we can all decide whether we like them or not.

Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

What needs to be done is to overcome the inertia that seems to exist in Thanet. Ramsgate port has been an on off thing since Sally line and possibly before that. Manston is a similar case in point. Nothing ever seems to get done to make the operation work. Perhaps with Dover so close Ramsgate will never work, and Manston at the end of the route and its capture area only to the West then maybe it won't work either, but is there another reason why nobody is queueing up to take these ports on. I don't know the answer but William Epps at comment number 1 has a very good point in relation to other projects that have yet to take off. Can anybody point to any other area in the country that has so many long term projects held up for lack of drive, or is Thanet unique?

Anon at 7:17, the referendum should be Thanet only, or the two parliamentary constituencies, nothing more, so Folkestone would therefore be excluded. And it would be a referendum, not a consultation like the night flight farrago which only asked those directly under the flight path if they were happy about night flights. They could have saved the money because the answer could be forecast by even the dimmest Thanet resident.

With regard to flattening Birchington Anon at 8:5 pm, not a bad idea but only if it became an extension of Manston to accommodate all the aircraft flying in over Ramsgate.

Anonymous said...

7:26 Gloag may be even more reluctant to pay the pollution cleanup costs at Manston.

You sound keen to either leave it polluted or let the taxpayer pick up the costs later while she makes up her mind?

Is the MOD base still open and polluting?

Anonymous said...

I do hope there is a CPO on manston then there will be a planning application and a good chance it wont be approved. That's because they will ask local people as with all planning its the neighbour's that matter not B/B or any other fool.

Anonymous said...

My point was if asked many people will approve if it does not affect them as it is in your case lucky when night flight's were consulted over the people that were affected were asked
And if you own the place you live in and are happy to have it knocked down to make way for a new runway ill not mind having aircraft over my house thats if they can get anyone to land there
do you like being hated?
also your pic makes you look like a woman

Anonymous said...

Bedazzled of Birchington - thank you for the clariffying the area of your referendum is limited to Thanet. No doubt question 2 on your form will be "are you willing to see your council tax go up by £100 a year to pay for it?"


Anonymous said...

TDC CPOs KIA. After trying the brilliant idea of asking Ryan Air and EasyJet to move to Thanet, TDC will do what they did with KCC at EKO. "No one wants to do business with us ;-( lets grant ourselves permission for thousands of houses!". A massive housing estate for London boroughs and housing associations to move their most desirable tenants to.

Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

So 10:28 pm, if you have nothing to say, why not resort to rudeness? A bit more attention in your English lessons would have paid dividends too.

FYI the picture is taken from a passenger seat of an Argosy of 105 squadron RAF somewhere over East Africa circa 1964/1965.

!0:37,Marksman. My estimate too. But only a one of rise, in theory the following year it should drop again, but pigs might fly. In practice I suspect the money would come from various sources including council reserves, and if it were then sold on to another buyer what is there to lose?

Anonymous said...

11.31 it won't be a housing estate for london boroughs, it will be a mixed use site, why hasn't ryan air easy jetBA and others been hrre before don't you think they knew it was there, dont you think they have been approached before.

Anonymous said...

If they want to grow an airport business at manston they should have deep enough pockets to build new schools as atbleast 1 secondary and5 primary schools are directly effected, this Iis our childrens education, all they will be fit for is a fork lift drivers job at manston if this continued, and also offer to buy all homes beloning to people directly effected at full current market value and costs. Those who want move can those that don't can stay, but the offer has to be made, by TDC or any other owner if itvre opens as an airport, as it no longer is now and new buyers of homes just buying or completing now will not be happy.

Anonymous said...

Flatten large parts of ramsgate, including pugins, and a 950 year old church and homes, schools shops, business, directly under the flight path, re house those and or fully compensate to 100% of value of loss, and do what you want with the airfield, otherwise its closed

Anonymous said...

Gale said its not over until its closed, well theres a pad lock on the gate, no flights no licence, its closed, its no longer an airfield, ITS OVER

Anonymous said...

The white elephants that dot the Thanet land scape are either directly or indirectly linked to one entity - Thanet district council.

When Wiggins took over from the mod, was there a discussion on the futur use of manston then? What aorta did Tdc play in it?

Tdc chose the developer of pleasurama.

Tdc have allowed a tenant to let the Pav go to ruin. I've no idea what part they have had in the broadie centre, but their list of incompetence is endless.

Eko, Westwood killing the town centres, the port, propping up a failing ferry business, flattening a community skatepark,,endless HMO's, flat developments where they should not be allowed, zero fines for littering on the beaches, a handful of fines for dog mess, recycling collections 20 years after other Kent councils.

Sorry, got to go to work, otherwise I could carry on.

Whoever is pushing for some other body to take over from this useles shower of shite you have my support

Anonymous said...

An interesting concept about the Council Tax perhaps we should all be writing to our Iris or shall we call her Aperature (no Uranus jokes pleases) and indicate that we would like a review of our council tax given Windy and Shifties views.

I am going to request that my tax band is reviewed given the distress this is causing us and the uncertainty.

Stupid save Manston people you do not know what monsters you are creating.

Anonymous said...

Bewildered : thanks from me too.

So I assume you would like to go on record and say that it is no business of a pressure group from largely outside Thanet -"Why Not Manston ?" and that a petition thrown open to anyone in the UK should be similarly ignored ?

What would your referendum question be ?

Would you like the opportunity of an occasional cheap flight to Majorca ?

> They could have saved the money because the answer could be forecast by even the dimmest Thanet resident.


Anonymous said...

Breaking News....TDC up for sale for £1.00 with that you get Macomical, Aperature and an entire suite of Cabinets of many colours!!!

Anonymous said...

No CPO, Too expensive, will not be granted, will cost TDC and Tax payers hugely, and will leave every cabinet member with no credibility of trust of there own officers and more importantly the people. as for Gale, straw clutching as he has all through. as long as Gale can use TDC to look like idiots and keep this in the press, he is happy to let it go and draw yet more publicity from it. Move on and run Council.

Anonymous said...

do we have to look at 40 year old pictures of these politicians, could you not find an updated press picture for them all?

Anonymous said...

Bemused of Birchington

Business Plan at all ?

Iris is condoning fools whilst hoping not to purchase their folly.

(See what I did there ECR ?)

I understand that Iris may be consulting on a change of policy at TDC. To possibly amend the money laundering compliance policy to take proper account of other statutory reporting duties. The Terrorism Act 2000.

William wrote about "Constant negativity". He is right in my view. But investors (thin on the ground anyway) don't pay as much heed to negative sentiment as they do to negative substance.

For example years ago the rule that visiting coaches had to be out of Margate by 6 PM. How to kill investment in one easy lesson. The area's police could not handle the job of public order. Rather than address the problem this is an area that would rather leave the problem in place and commit tourism economic suicide to sustain the problem as the norm.

The area's history of police corruption goes back decades with, for example, one major inquiry into Thanet CID, by Northumbria Police, driven by Met Police.

BBC and ITV each broadcast programmes critical of care standards in private care homes. Both used Thanet as their subject. In all of the country ? Yes Thanet features as the dross.

In all of the country where was Territorial Army infiltrated successfully by paramilitaries ? Yes Thanet.

There is information that in about 1980 Kent Police got rid of a number of Special constables for "Political infiltration" reasons. Yes in Thanet.

In all of the country where did the well funded extremist right wing IRA supportive League of St George set up ? Yes Thanet.

The UDA drugs importing ? Thanet

Mercenaries despatching ? Yes Thanet.

IRA defrauding the benefits system?

Yes Thanet.

Senior tory gets his own business rates written off and gets very lenient sentence for forging qualifications and dollars. Thanet.

Senior tory associates arrested in possession of sub machine guns. Yes Thanet.

Jewish business certainly aware of private military cadet groups and holocaust denial lectures. Question mark Thanet again.

Industrial sabotage via infiltration of GMBU. Thanet.

Thor and Sericol massive contamination of aquifer ? Thanet.

Question mark about penalty clauses and contractual standards on Pfizer development possibly indicating Pfizer had no long term plan to sustain their operation in Thanet. Investors look at this sort of thing. (And were right)

Reputation of area after Ferry Walkway collapse.

Freeholders (Like University colleges) anxious to get rid of paramilitary training nuisances off their land. Thanet.

The truth is that former coal mine tradesmen in East Kent made far more attractive employees because they had skill and employer would always know where he stood with them.

Whereas local Thanet people have a reputation for moving behind closed doors. Being treacherous.

Some contracting firms do say no local labour for Thanet contracts. I know of one firm that would rather bring lads from Port Talbot area.

Like the London cabbie said "Thanet ? Giro munchers always moaning about their council"

Invest here ?

Anonymous said...

Ian Driver has also came out in favour of the CPO. So that's Tories, Labour, UKIP & Green Party all suporting the idea. Still, I'm sure you could all vote for Tim Garbled to represent your blinkered views!

Anonymous said...

Those of you who want the place kept closed are very vocal.. but among the people of all Thanet, you are in a minority..

Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

Like it or loath it anon 9:37, but these are our elected representatives, across the political divide. To quote Churchill in 1947, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

If you have a vote then use it.

Anonymous said...

9.37 you say driver has added his support as if that should give it credibility, the others alone dealing with it would worry me without party jumping cause fighting (for a minute or two at least) driver involved

Anonymous said...

Its closed, show some initiative now, work with Gloag and do something with the site which is of genuine benefit.

Anonymous said...

if I went to the bank and asked for a loan to buy the former airport site, they would listen, then they would ask what do you want to do with it, I could say almost anything, and it would be viable, due to the value of the land alone, they cannot lose. If I told them I wanted to open it and run it as an airport, I would get laughed out, based on its track record and all the reputable previous owners money and efforts alone. TDC, Gale Sandys, Grow up.

Anonymous said...

The old desperation is creeping back, Tim. If the airport is closed, finished, licence surrendered and the gates padlocked as you proclaim, why your concern. Surely everyone can see you are right and all these people trying to save a dead duck have not a cat's chance in hell of doing so.

Ann Cloag has all the cards and she is not going to sell to some US consortium backed, it would seem, by all our politicians. TDC are not going to push for a CPO for, according to you, they have no chance of getting one.

So there you are, just chill out, get out the lounger and put your feet up, safe in the knowledge that there will be no planes today. Tomorrow, well I guess we will all just have to wait and see?

Anonymous said...

Even the media are tired of this now, the only people keeping it thought about, are TDC inept group of Cllrs and officers, and Governments village clown Windy.

Richard Eastcliff said...

Do bear in mind, 2.36pm, that not everyone who argues against the airport is Tim, there's a good chap.

Anonymous said...

if we are going to be quoting good old Winston - the against Manston staying as an Airport, raise the stakes with this one...

“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.”

Anonymous said...

Only an opinion, butwhat do you think about this statement, the current goings on show for whatever intention cllrs and mps can work when they at least feel like it, this being the case, the rest of the rime they must have a very easy time of it, specially when you bear in mind there privalage and salaries. So my proposal would be to make each mps area twice the size, does thanet need twovto show up for photos then dissappear again? Then reduce the quantity of Cllrs in thanet by 20% of there quantity, this should keep them all focused and working all the time, not just when it suits them. What say you?

Anonymous said...

2.36 perhaps people are passionate about moving thanet forward, and doing something other than flogging a dead horse, and are desperate not to see TDC sink to new lows by even trying a CPO as the cost to us all in the court fight and expenses would be too much to bear. Want your council tax to go up hugely, great call the council and start paying extra now. Or use the common sence you were at least born with.

Anonymous said...

Gloag should take this lot to school.

Anonymous said...

Donkeys led by donkeys.

Anonymous said...

Gloag had them beat long ago, they have been playing catch up, and she is still so far ahead, that they don't stand a chance, all they are doing is making themselves look foolish, but for certain people in government local or otherwise, that is there default setting, just look at all there previous track records.

Anonymous said...

I have a cunning plan given that all MP's and prospective ones have deserted the genuine voters why don't we put up a get stuffed Manston airport Candidate and at the same time make it the first task of that Get Stuffed Manston Candidate to remove Sue...who the hell is Sue?

Anonymous said...

So true, Richard, but then, as we both know, most are from the tone and style of his comments. In any case, I thought I would try to take the stress out of his life.

Cllr David Green, TDC Cabinet Member for Economic Development said...

Just to set the record straight, neither Thanet District Council or the ruling Labour Group are in favour of a CPO of Manston Airport.
It has been suggested to us by a local MP, and therefor we feel obliged to examine it as a possibility. Until the airport closed, our position was one of support for the airport as a local employer but we were against environmentally damaging night flights. We note that of the three reasons given for closure, loss of BA freight contract, loss of Ryan Air contract and the Government review of south east airports, none of them involved night flights. We suggested extension of the enterprise zone to cover the airport as something Government could do to help stimulate activity. The airport is now closed, and in my opinion unlikely to open again. As the local planning authority we await notification of the owner's plans.
We have already received a suggestion for housing on the northern grass next to the airport. We received this long before talk of closure. This application will be judged along with many other suggestions for potential housing sites and may or may not form part of the next stage of the Local Plan Preferred Options draft that we will be consulting on shortly. That draft will suggest how best to meet our calculation that we will require sites for 11,500 houses over the next 20 years, only half of which can be found within the existing urban boundary.

Richard Eastcliff said...

Thanks for the clarification there, Cllr G.

Although I do hope you're in your bunker with your tin hat on, and preparing for some incoming, as Labour's appetite for a CPO does not seem as keen as the Right Honourable Member for Thanet North suggests in his statement. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

2:36 Tim was right about Manston and Thor etc wasn't he? So presumably you're just jealous at being proven both stupid and wrong?

Anonymous said...

B of B
You raise a valid point on the negativity of the Thanet mind set. However, no matter how much enthusiasm, positive thinking, good will, vision, flag waving, T shirt wearing will actually make those living in Surrey, Sussex, London and West Kent find Manston more convenient than other airports. Nor will the above convince the operators of major logistics firms think it is a good idea to operate a national distribution operation from the edge of Kent.
Sorry to sound negative on this.


Anonymous said...

The only negative thinking will be not moving forward with new different iniciatives for manstons empty site. That will show the lack of ability and vision by The council officers and Cllrs together in driving a new era for Thanet. Listen to Gloag, work with Gloag and imorove Thanet.