Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Separated At Birth?

Reader Samantha writes:

Has anyone else noticed the striking similarity between Iris Johnston, the new leader of Thanet Council, and Deirdre Barlow, the long-standing character in Coronation Street? Are they by any chance related?
Well, thanks for that Samantha. I guess with the council looking increasingly like a bad hair day at the Rovers Return, the similarity may be more than superficial!


Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

I have never seen them in the same room at the same time so perhaps it's true.

Anonymous said...

Not leader of TDC until after Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Deirdre was also on the council so they also share the skills required to do that (whatever they may be) and also the desire to serve the people, although we'd all rather be served beer I expect.

Anonymous said...

They both look a bit like Deirdre Langton, but older.

Anonymous said...

surely Deirdre Rashid

Anonymous said...

2.33 is a boring pedant with no sense of humour. This post made me chortle!

Anonymous said...

Not yet Leader of TDC. She got to be voted in first.

But EastCliff Richard why no mention of Clive Hart stepping down????

Anonymous said...

I hear there is dissention in the Labour ranks and Iris may not get all her Group to vote for her.

Richard Eastcliff said...

Well tbh, 4.56pm, I'm a trifle bored of local politics at the moment, as they seem to be revolving obsessively around a dead airport. Which is about as interesting as watching bluebottles circling round a barker's nest. Or as annoying as the (thankfully now-defunct) training flights over Ramsgate, take your pick.

If you want my opinion of Coiffeured Clive's departure, in a nutshell it's a big 'so what?'. The most I can muster is that Hairt wasn't the brightest screwdriver in the electrician's toolbox, but at least he seemed fundamentally honest, unlike some Tories we've suffered from in these parts.

In my view nothing will change at TDC until McGonigal goes.

As a footnote, Iris has a reputation as a dogged fighter on Margate's behalf, so her appointment/election/whatever can't be good news for Ramsgate. She's also old skool Fannit, which also fills me with dismay!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Iris has been around for years and is just another in a long line of old duffers to run the council. What we desperately need is a change of direction and some innovative thinking. We aren't likely to get that with the woman who was under Nicholson.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Alan Poole, not even allowed to play as being Leader till Thursday. Very telling!

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Ramsgate? The town is as good as dead, with no ferry, no airport and a 15 year building site on the seafront. At least there's still hope for Margate.

Richard Eastcliff said...

A typical Margate reader speaks there.

Anonymous said...

Margate no funfair. Seaweed in the harbour and a chemical dump on the outskirts of town. Kiss me quick or kill me quick?!

Anonymous said...

A vote of no confidence on Thursday would get rid of Mcgonigal. Who else should resign?

Anonymous said...

Actually, Ramsgate is doing rather well. The failures you refer to are the council's failures and, whilst they may have cost the taxpayer a packet, they haven't stopped Ramsgate from becoming a jolly nice place to live.

If you live in Ramsgate you will recognise this to be true because of the stream of self-made people who have been buying up the beautiful old properties and restoring them. Did you know that Ramsgate has more heritage properties than Bath?

Of course, we would like to get the seafront sorted out, and the debacle over the current development should ensure that any future development is properly scrutinised and is only permitted with the approval of Ramsgate's Town Council.

Margate, on the other hand, is in dire straits. Again, the council's involvement in promoting and committing vast sums of public money to the Turner Centre, has been disastrous. It has failed to regenerate the town as promised and, now that the initial hype is over, we can all see that it wasn't worth the money. Of course, those responsible are not accountable. Public money has been wasted and nobody will be brought to book.

Anonymous said...

It's the sale Duffers ruining Margate and Ramsgate

God help us said...

a tweet from a sandwich maker says TDC are planning to build housing at their end of the high street and get rid of the shops. I bet ronalds might have a say as its the only busy shop that end.

Anonymous said...

If the shops aren't occupied, I think it's a good idea to turn them into housing. More customers for the shops that remain (including Ronald)

Anonymous said...

Are there any other lookalikees on TDC?

Anonymous said...

One more day to go before Ramsgate gets its peace ;)
Long may it continue. Here's to a good future and prosperity

Anonymous said...

A yank was heard in a pub today speaking on a mobile phone with a old MP with a red face standing next to him
£6,000,000, No how about £6,000,001, "Oh come on its 100 years old" "Oh please you know you want to" "Ill through in a voucher for McDonald's" "OK how about £6,000,007 thats a big jump you have to accept it now" "No why not dont you want to sell it"?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of old duffers you will not find a Tory Cllr that can find there way to there ward without a map, wise wants to paint the light house at the end of margates harbour wells is never seen at meetings apart from full Council moores only cares about self promotion, and the rest look like they should be measuref for there final resting place throw a bottle of gin in the coffin. Margate even with the warehouse gallery hasn't re generated in the manner hoped, the jewel in thid olf island is Ramsgate the pitential is in Ramsgate the regeneration. Of pleasurama, the motor museum, the pavillion, getting the police back to the town police shop more police soon on the streets here, all Labours achievements, or perhaps you would prefer to go back to a tory lead administration of procrastination, let the officers do want they want, and dodgy Bayford and his jailed mates. Iris Johnston is the hardest working Cllr to be found anywhere with Thanet in her blood give her a chance, or you may find we go back to Dodgy deals and underhand politics of Bayford and co.

Anonymous said...

It is a democracy, all can choosr or vote for there preferred choice, unlike the Tories thr Labour group belives in freedom of speach, howrver like any election majority wins, if you going to comment make it factual and have evidence to back it up if not at leadt mske it funny, or are you one of those old fart tory manstonphiles I keep hearing about and seeing overwight bodies in don't panic T shirts 3 sizes too small for them?

Anonymous said...

At least the actress who plays Deirdre has a Uk Passport, not an Irish one!

Anonymous said...

Lookielikie Iris quite a job to do

Inheriting McGonical

That's poor Iris in the poo

Lookielikie Iris oh how she will despair

Her gobby opposition

Tows his banners in the air

McGonical the Rhymer

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:08 AM

Don't give up the day job.