Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Beau Diddley

Cripes! Look what's just plopped into my box! A letter from Dr Beau Webber, Roger Gale's Manston mouthpiece, to the new majority owners of the former airport!

Dr Beau is, er, far from congratulatory. In fact, if you ask me, his tone is slightly menacing. But that's just what you'd expect from a campaign that hasn't exactly held back from using personal threats by its henchmen against anyone who dares to utter an alternative view.

Anyhoo, take a gander and make up your own mind (click on the pics to big 'em). I couldn't possibly comment, considering the restraining order I'm under... but I'm sure you lot will! Pip pip!


Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

You Geste of course.

The letter is firm and sticks to the facts as understood by the author, and is no more than I would expect from a pro Manston supporter. Nothing wrong with that. I detect no menace, only honest questions which need answering. Will you be publishing the response to this missive?

Anonymous said...

There is no airport and no planning permission for an airport.
Dr Beau Webber should stick to his day job at the Kentish third rate university and mind he doesn't get neutron scattered.
What excessive utter pompous tripe he has written.

Anonymous said...

His claim that his organisation has the backing of 23,000 good Kentish and Thanet people falls down at the first hurdle. Can he prove they are all "good" and can he prove that they are all from Kent and Thanet? No doubt amongst the 23,000 are many that do not want an airport or extra runways in their backyards and would rather that it was elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

This is clearly politically motivated - to try and save Gale's increasingly egg-covered face (indeed both his faces). It takes a snide pop at Labour's Scobie, yet makes no reference to KCC Leader Carter's swift and enthusiastic endorsement of the sale of, and plans for, Manston.

I have not been against an airport as some have been - more of an agnostic I guess - but I am beginning to sense that party politics is running through the pro-lobby more than a real interest in the commercial future of the area.

There has been virtually no support - theoretical or practical - for Gale and Sandys from within the Tory Party outside Thanet, yet they say nothing about this. They are simply building to score points against their political opponents locally - either directly of through their cronies such as Webber

Richard Eastcliff said...

OK, I'll settle for 'arsey' Mr BEMBOB. And I very much doubt there will be a reply, but should one come my way I will, of course, publish it in the interest of balance, natch.

Anonymous said...

Beau certainly seems an arse. What idiotic tripe.

Even he can see it's no longer an airport. Gale is abusted flush and the other ppoliticians were either deliberately deceiving sma over a cpo or have drifted away to the business park idea.

Probably land banking as a park is the way forward.

Anonymous said...

What a bizarre letter. Does anyone know why this chap is so desperately anxious to retain the airport? Does he just enjoy leading his raggle-taggle army and writing rambling, vaguely menacing letters to companies? Has he been listening to Megaphone Man? Is Iris Johnston really the Manston bunny? So many questions.

Anonymous said...

What else do you expect but completely bias views on trying to open a new airport on the former airfield site, this proves it has nothing to do with jobs. This lot are acting moronic, no logic, no sence, they bliet about its history when it usrd to be an airfield, lets examine for a moment, cargo, passanger flights, other aviation trades, pilot practice for airlines, a museum, a cafe, 700 very under used, 4 owners, 2 of which had aviation knowledge, no profit, huge losses, polluting the aquifer, the surface, and no plans for protecting Ramsgate, too far from London, not enough catchment area.
Now lets look at the laeful owners, a multi use site, at leadt hundreds if not thousands more jobs, no environmental impact least not as much as aviation produces, schools which are needed for our already creaking education system in Thanet, homes for people which will have the moneybto buy them bringing new money, good for TDC and Kent.
If it were about jobs, even if the new owner produced 1000 jobs, it would be more than the maximum 350 jobs the old use of the site produced, thats not even 1 job per acre.
Poloticians are playing games, non more than the current lot at TDC.
Stop calling it an airport, as it isn't, it is however a brown field site for development.

Anonymous said...

He is probably just another pensioner stuck in the past. Are we paying tax to fund this idiot? I hope his science experiments are more rigorous and accurate than this.

Macgonigal is hiding in the Manston Bunny costume...

Anonymous said...

4:47 the aquifer is polluted? How polluted is it?

Anonymous said...

Funny how they accuse the new owners of not knowing what their Support Group neglected to tell the public ?

It seems they object to a purchase during ongoing litigation but thought seeking a CPO during ongoing use litigation was fine.

It would be interesting to know what plans were afoot in military exercises especially a Royal Marines SBS one of 1989. Denial of channel ports and assets to an imaginary Soviet invading horde. Just like WW2 then, plans to blow up Manston as it is in the wrong place strategically.

Anonymous said...

So derelict cargo airport, rundown seaside towns, corrupt council and empty business premises and homes.

Maybe a cargo airport could be built there or more offices and houses?

Anonymous said...

I hope that by now, everyone concerned with transparency and integrity in the Manston affair has called, written to or emailed the Democratic Service bod at TDC. Failing that, contact Iris herself.

Why? Because this time the council and Iris in particular must not be allowed to accept a petition, publicly or in private, which includes signatures obtained as a result of false claims made by supporters of the former airport.

If they have been told in advance, it is my understanding that any council officer accepting such a petition would be in breach of local council codes of conduct. When you contact the council, ask them to look at the Manston Phoenix and Manston Pickle sites which have highlighted this issue.

This is no time for a repeat of the last time the council bent over backwards to accept a petition which was ultimately rejected by the council's own officer responsible for Democratic services.

Also, please contact all news sources and tip them off so they can keep an eye on this. This will be a real test of the council's integrity.

Anonymous said...

10.24 the aquifer has been polluted for years. Speak to Southern Water who will tell you that only 2per cent of our tap water comes from Thanet's aquifers. Pollution has come mainly from over extraction allowing saline water in. It's very difficult to get out once in. Whether the airports operations have added to this is not clear. However, we can suspect.

Anonymous said...

Aquifer contamination may be the wrong question anon 10.24

There are two remediations that were kept secret from Thanet public knowledge until FOIs from Richard Card.

Sericol and Thor.

Many NHS hospitals have direct abstraction licences for laundry cost saving. But it appears QEQM does not abstract its own non-potable water. So that is OK.

But there are direct abstraction licences within the zone of Sericol. That is K Laundry and Newlands Farm.

In 1993, when Sericol huge contamination of aquifer was discovered, Rumfields drinking water abstraction was switched off. The question is whether they had been abstracting contaminated water for 30 years from 1963 to 1993 and whether it has had an adverse health effect.

As so often happens Thanet Online and its team of blah blah bloggers already know the answers. Whereas the rational approach would be to try to promote expert inquiry.

So within the hazard zone of Sericol there are three abstractions. K Laundry, Newlands Farm and Thor remediation.

Thor has not tackled mercury contamination yet. Thor remediation is expected to take decades and Sericol contamination to remain a problem for the foreseeable future.

The most dangerous form of mercury is reckoned to be just 0.5% of the total mercury contained in a plume at Thor.

There have been reports from beachcombers of mercury being found on Margate beaches. The problem there would not be drinking supply but waste drains and sewage outfalls probably. Whether investigation of drain integrity, flowing away from Thor position, is meritted would be for Southern Water and TDC.

Hope that was helpful.

Unknown said...

I hear that Iris has left SMA group, I wonder if its because she knows that a CPO could never be in the public interest now?
£1bn against £20m, 144 jobs against 4000, a future for Ramsgate or certain doom, a real company against a Delaware off shore style company, a tried and tested successful business plan against a tried and tested failed business plan, a UK based established company or a USA 3 month old company, the owner or a long protracted CPO,
Windy your days of leading the stupid are over retire before you do any more harm to Ramsgate and leave this town to prosper.

Anonymous said...

Why have TDC councillors not beeb monitoring the pollution at Manston and Thor?

Anonymous said...

Purple OM

BST here. Can you confirm re Iris leaving SMA?

Has she returned her 'Stay Calm and Trust Iris' T-shirt?

Anonymous said...

Gale Iris and Bob must go. The last of The Duffers..? A new start for Thanet

Anonymous said...

Stay calm and trust Iris to do nothing....why has pleasurama continued or machonigal still away?

Anonymous said...

Chris Wells gone to Ukip too. Does it matter? Its looking like a party of tory rejects

Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

A few minutes ago Iris was on the telly proclaiming that she was against houses on Manston. How does that sit with your beliefs Purple Om?

Anonymous said...

Iris has done nothing about Manston or perhaps worse the dodgy deal on Pleasurama with Cardy just following on from Clive and Poole.

No building works notice served since February by TDC? How could they forget? That was all they had to do!

Unknown said...

Hard of hearing Iris cant hear megaphone man saying 6500 jobs at Manston maybe time for her to go and get her hearing checked and her brain tested at the same time. On the other side of sunny Ramsgate Ian the green is Campaigning for another decade of blight on our lovely seafront, Trying to get TDC to buy the pleasurama site with money it doesn't have, even if it did it would't have any money to do anything on it. Why don't these people think before they go public. Its a pity because I was starting to think (with his U turn on Manston) he had Ramsgate best interests at hart.

Unknown said...

Mr Garbutt (if the thinly disguised anon conspiracy comments are indeed from you) maybe you would like to explain publicly why votegarbutt.co.uk has links to the glossy looking Surin school 'charity' website, which the Charity Commission says was removed from their register years ago.

Those behind the Surin school website might want to remove the reference to it being a charity before the Charity Commission catch up with it, as they take a dim view of such things.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

SEMBOB How does this sit your beliefs

£1bn against £20m, 144 jobs against 4000, a future for Ramsgate or certain doom, a real company against a Delaware off shore style company, a tried and tested successful business plan against a tried and tested failed business plan, a UK based established company or a USA 3 month old company, the owner or a long protracted CPO,

Or are you so set in your ways you cant see whats good for Thanet?

Even if TDC are as stupid to proceed with a CPO and rule out housing even though its not their job (its plannings Dept's job) then there are still a few flies in your ointment, 1) The CPO has to be in the public interest and we all know now that this could not ever be the case as I have shown above 2) If the planning rule out houses then the owners will appeal and win, as there is no reason not to build houses. We are just lucky that its a mixed development with 4000 jobs included and not all houses.

Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

Purple Om, have you read today's letter page in The Isle of Thanet Gazette where people put it far more eloquently than me? The only prospect for jobs within two years is with Manston flying again. And remember we are 144 jobs down at the moment, how does that sit with 4000 jobs in the distant future. The hangars are for rent at Manston, but as yet there are no takers. The discovery park is full of firms that have moved from elsewhere, so by and large no new jobs. All the new owners will do is make room for 4000 people to work. That doesn't create jobs. Perhaps we could get some ice cream salesmen on £80,000 a year to set up stall on the runway.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of reasons not to build houses at Manston and to reject any such proposal eg overbuild, empty houses, contamination etc.

And which twit would build on the drinking water supply anyway?

Unknown said...

You have contentiously complained about skilled jobs at Manston now someone has bought the place and said they will create 4000 skilled jobs in industry.
Please can you explain to all that have read your posts since the closure of Manston why you feel the need to contradict yourself so unashamedly?
Do you not care how people see you? You have shown, to all that read you post how intelligent you really are.
How can I possibly debate with someone who never answers any of the difficult questions that are put to him?

Anonymous said...

You dissemble Sembob there are no jobs at Manston within 2 years. And certainly not 144. It's anorher SMA myth.

Manston is bust again and the Riveroak plan is as feeble as DP if not worse.

You ignore the pollution and planning process required as would night flights.

The issue rather than an unrealistic cpo is why our politicians have failed with thousands of jobs lost in the area.

Anonymous said...

Town Centre crime up 22-67% in a year and 3000 incidents in the Gazette. If the police and bouncers and cctv aren't working do we need a Local Militia patrolling with pickaxe handles?

Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

Typical Left Wing argument Purple Om. You claim I have said something that I haven't then accuse me of contradiction. I have never complained about skilled jobs at Manston unless you mean that I am disappointed to see them go. Take a reality check Mr Purple Om. Anybody can say they will create jobs. Where are they? When will the first employee be taken on? Will these be new jobs or existing jobs moving from elsewhere? If A.Gloag had done what she initially said she would then perhaps Manston would have been taking staff on by now. All I see at the moment is 144 more people on the scrap heap and multi millionaires playing monopoly while Thanet seeks a solution.

Anon @ 12:07 pm, you are like a scratched record. I believe you made similar posts elsewhere.

I will leave the last word to you two because trying to have a decent debate with you is like trying to nail jelly to the wall.

Anonymous said...

Semhob your sounding petulant at Manston failing.

But how would Riveroak guarantee jobs or aviation business? You haven't once mentioned the contamination problem in your numerous posts.

Anonymous said...

Do you even know the meaning of DISSEMBLE anon @ 12@07 pm?

By being anonymous you are dissembling.

Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

Anon @ 8:23 pm. And why should I Purple Om, for that is who you really are. Of course there will be pollution. look at the traffic around Westwood Cross, is that not polluting the atmosphere? And your posts are polluting debate in Thanet. Ramsgate Should seek a referendum to have self rule, as did the Scots. Why not ask for a referendum? Perhaps a petition might help. I for one would sign it if it would free the rest of Thanet from a disruptive element.

Anonymous said...

Sembob you dissemble randomly now. I am not Purple om nor has anyone but you mentioned Ramsgate selfrule.

You need to consider pollution at Manston because it's on the aquifer and would be new/extra pollution to the roads.

But on jobs at Manston how many were meant to be there by now? Thousands.

Your a Manaton fanatic who will say anything.

Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

Anon @ 4:46 pm. Trolling is your game, and anon is your name. You fail to make any valid point, but continue to use the verb dissemble. I am convinced that you have no purpose other than to attack me for what I believe in and try to put words in my mouth to see what will happen. Since you are a total waste of space I am off to knit fog, a far more enjoyable prospect than trying to have an intelligent debate with you. So toddle off back to whatever stone you crawled out from under and leave me alone.

Anonymous said...

Where is Manaton?

Anonymous said...

Bint Harrison deselected now. Only Aids Gregory and Pleasurama Bob left of The Duffers.

symbolism said...

Its a shame the whole Save Manston campaign has become so negative. Its become a case of how bad everybody's else is, not how good manston could be. As if their is something to hide

Anonymous said...

Sembob can't argue away the Manston pollution so has hissy fit instead...

Anonymous said...

I suspect the writer is a plane spotter, and is more interested in history and aviation than jobs.

Anonymous said...

907 Manston is a village near Ramsgate and a couple of other villages, there needs to be more people leaving TDC the old guard which has caused so many problems based on poor decisions over 25 years, are still there a lot of them standing again.
hail a new era of vision, and potential with a new strategy, have your say on the local plan for Thanet.

Unknown said...

SEMBOB I am proud to call myself left wing are you proud to be far right???
Your argument with this new jobs or jobs from elsewhere is so stupid. Would you rather job were in this country instead of another country???? would you rather they were in Thanet instead of london?????
Try and think before you write SEMBOB you dont half show yourself up!!!

Anonymous said...

Duffers who should go:


Anyone else?

Anonymous said...

We don't need an airport or offices etc. Once DP is filled with 6,000 science jobs as was at Pfizer, we could then consider other sites.

The Manston site should be cleaned and used as a park. The aquifer would eventually then be cleaned and refilled.

At worst it will be left as derelict like the Hoverport or Port. Or indeed Dreamland and Pleasurama.

Unknown said...

The calls for the head of Kent's county council leader Paul Carter to resign by SMA is just another reminder of their desperation and bullying tactics against anybody who dare try and tell the truth about Manston airport. There has been many such victims including Cllrs MP's and public, when will the main offenders be held to account?
I think now it is obvious to anybody other than Iris and her merry band of SMA supporters that Manston airport will never be granted a CPO by anybody and its time for TDC to announce it. This delay in announcing the end of proceedings against the owner is doing terrible damage to any investment in Thanet and especially in Ramsgate with a lot of planned regeneration for our seafront. Speaking of which the new anti-stance of the pleasurrama site is, Thant the beach in front of the site will become private for the owners of the flats and the toilet block will be knocked down because it spoils the view. In my opinion these new rumours are no more far fetched than the others like the site is the public's or the sites flood defenses or the wall behind the site or the shadow the new building will throw.
When will people understand that this development is vital for Ramsgate without it Ramsgate may very well find itself being left behind as who will want to invest on a seafront with a building site for the foreseeable future?

Anonymous said...

Are there still dumped jets at Manston and chemical fires at MOD? Southern water abd Environment Agency are useless

Anonymous said...

Both Manston cpo and Pleasurama need a final clear cancellation

Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

Purple Om @ 12:36. Perhaps you should take some lessons from yourself. You clearly haven't thought about what I have said, or even understood it, or what you have chosen to write.

If you believe that I would prefer jobs to go overseas or to London then you are sadly mistaken.

My reference to jobs from elsewhere refers to the fact that existing jobs have moved from place A to place B without actually generating any new jobs.

All I am asking is where are these 4000+ jobs in the next 20 years? Will they arrive on a regular basis, in a few years time, or never?

Anonymous said...

Yes 8:48 the CPO farce and Manston airport should be cancelled once and for all now. The same with Pleasurama.

Anonymous said...

Terrible that Ian Driver is being messed about at TDC over the Pleasurama documents - do no other councillors speak up?

Anonymous said...

SEMBOB you're simply trying to suggest that Manston airport jobs are more likely than Manston/DP jobs.

They're not: Manston airport is bust yet again. All the jobs have been lost again and the thousands promised over the years have never appeared.

DP seems to have more of a chance - although a slim one - Manston has no chance at all as it's not even an airport now.

Anonymous said...

How is there a Manston Airport Party at the weekend with flying? Are they using the runway or just flying over from another airfield?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the fact that Manston isn't even an airport now anon @ 3:42 pm, and others. Dreamland isn't even an amusement park.........

Unknown said...

Ian Driver thinks he can delay the pleasurama site from being built so it will return to the people of Ramsgate he has not done his homework AT ALL. Lets just assume that he gets his way and SFP sell to TDC for their costs of £7 million and TDC find that money, what would it cost to build the public space that a very few people want? Lets just say it costs £3 million, thats £10 million that TDC don't have but the far more lightly story, would have to be a CPO of the site that would take 3 years + the time it would take to build the public space + the cost of the legal fees around £11+million and maybe 5-8 years to complete putting off any investor from investing on Ramsgate sea front and killing any chance of Ramgates regeneration. What some people don't understand is the shops and hotel are things for Ramsgate not what a developer would choose to build as there is less profit in these things than flats. Lets just say that this development doesn't go though than we are bound for TDC to sell the site to another developer with a far less attractive building with no shops or hotel, Leaving us with a huge box like structure full of flats.

Anonymous said...

Correct 5:11 although a statement of the obvious except to SMA and Iris and Gale and Bayford

Anonymous said...

Does anybody support a cpo or the new pleasurama deal? Both seem unbelievably idiotic.

Anonymous said...

How contaminated is Thor and Manston? Is the MOD fire station still using chemicals on the aquifer?

Anonymous said...

How contaminated is Thor and Manston? Is the MOD fire station still using chemicals on the aquifer?

Anonymous said...

Why is Driver being prosecuted on trumpedup charges?

Excellent news on Tesco Arlington being rejected and the sooner Arlington House is demolished the better.

Anonymous said...

Moores resigns from TDC Cabinet. Still silent on 0% fraud and Macgongigal still missing for 2 months...

Anonymous said...

Moores on Bbctv tonight determined to milk his last few months has he no shame

Anonymous said...

Look at the reports last week of some of the busiest regional airports in the UK, with multiple sources of income. They are now closing, losing money by the truck load, and scaling down, this does not bode well for a new airfield miles from any real numbers of catchment and the SMA bullies.
As for TG aviation, they have not just suddenly lost money cause they moved to Lydd whichbis mire central in Kent and nearer London, more over flies over nothing within a mile unlike Manstgone, they have lost money since before they left, lets see if they get more than thec200 hundred that appeared to suppiort the concert laid on by SMA and supported by Iris, who would show up for an openning of an envelope, so careful next time your openning your post. If SMA believe Carter should go I assume they have a suppirter MP which they would like to see in that job, good luck finding one, there isnt the will which they and Iris would have you believe to open a new airport at Manstgone. SAY NO TO CPO

Anonymous said...

Seen Will Scobies comments and video on line about old gaurd Cllrs, some good points. The main critical point however isthat for 30 years Td have stumbled from one commercial disaster to another, unemployment has risen and there are no new directions or pattern of thinking, bwho makes the decisions, the Cllrs. Many of which have been around for more than 20 years making the same mistakes which have cost Thanet and its residents so dearly for over 2 decades, and the biggest detrimental error yet to be decided the race to CPO a multiple times failed former airport. Time iris, her cabinet and some others went, now preferably. They are not what thanet need for a change of prospects they will never deliver a righter better, visionary future, they are stuck in the past making the same f##k ups.

Anonymous said...

9:36 Thor is very contaminated: the chemicals have spread beyond the factory which must be a concern for the houses nearby and TDC

Anonymous said...

A vote for UKIP is a wasted vote, they are the establishment, the same old Tory gaurd which now work under a different flag, Latchford who was deputy leader when Eizikiel had his fingers in the till, just one example, bet SMA are sick, Sandys, UKIP and any sencibke Manston supporters even among there own ranks, now favouring a multi use site on that development land at Manston.

Anonymous said...

Not electing farage would put thanet on the map. He has no interest in the area just hoping he gets an easy win because of the ukip kcc seats

Unknown said...

TDC, could hardly have been described as having exhaustive talks with the new owner, that is a requisite of any CPO Why should we forfeit a chance of have a successful company running the old airport site for a failed use of a cargo airport? Its not like thats a new idea or has not been tried before. Manston's old owners all had cargo arriving at the airport are we expected to believe the old owners turned down chances to expand the cargo side of their business just to go bust? I wonder if Thanet council knows how lucky they are to have a business fail on their patch and then for a new owner to come in and invest £1bn and create 4000 jobs, lets hope they don't mess it up as after the emotion dies down I don't think the public will ever forgive any Cllr who voted the wrong way by not understanding the long term benefits of a tried and tested businesses park success against a tried and tested failure of a airport and lets not forget the residents of Ramsgate who have had to endure being on the flight path and how that has put off investors investing in the town.

Anonymous said...

Who do you suggest we vote for then 7:21? Everyone else has failed Thanet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have you heard the latest, role up role up, breaking news, Iris, is talking Shapps and Gale into buying the old airfield at Ramsgate, as Riveroak cannot meet the driteria set by Iris to comfort her in following a CPO.

I take it Rivetoak can't find the cash, or are dubioys of the success of a CPO, so let government take the risk. Something Iris said wouldn't happen!

These poloticians are playing politics, because they think it might give them votes, we all support more job numbers with an environmentally friendly project, as opposed to the same falings of the last 20 years as an airfield, caused by our Bobby, Iris, Mike, Dick Latchford and co.

Anonymous said...

6.05 you miss the point, UKIP are the Tories under a different banner, if I have to spell it out again I can only conclude thst you are a UKIP fan.

Anonymous said...

No 6:05, you're missing my point. I have no intention of voting UKIP, nor will I vote for Tory or Labour after the mess they've made of Thanet. So I'll ask you again: Who do we vote for as an alternative? Because I haven't a clue.

Anonymous said...

Yes ukip have nothing to say except blaming the eu or immigrants neither of which have been major in Thanet problems. Tory and Labour have failed with the same inbred politicians swapping roles not solving problems. What has Iris done im 4 months or Latchford in 2 years

Anonymous said...

Yes ukip have nothing to say except blaming the eu or immigrants neither of which have been major in Thanet problems. Tory and Labour have failed with the same inbred politicians swapping roles not solving problems. What has Iris done im 4 months or Latchford in 2 years

Anonymous said...

What are The Duffers playing at with Pleasurama again.

Its a year since Poole failed and now Everitt is trying it on.

Everitt and Edwina must go.

Breaking the locks and a sit-in may work.

No Cardy or SFP!

No hotel or flats!!

Clear the site!!!

Anonymous said...

What are The Duffers playing at with Pleasurama again.

Its a year since Poole failed and now Everitt is trying it on.

Everitt and Edwina must go.

Breaking the locks and a sit-in may work.

No Cardy or SFP!

No hotel or flats!!

Clear the site!!!

Anonymous said...

6.37 good morning to you, there are always independents however they have no piwer due to limited number, so they align themselves with one group or another, so I will tell you what this tells me, the British government system may be the oldest in the world, but it needs a major ovehaul, a complete change and re design, perhaps something along the lines of an American or Belgium system or a new direction, will never happen though otherwise Oxbridge / Eaton monkies may not be given titles and may let the man in the street able to run the country, so you have to either vote for the best of a bad bunch or none of the above.
Save Our Ramsgate, SAY NO TO CPO.

Anonymous said...

9.02, about time something was built, as atvthe moment its as painful on the eye, as your comment is to read.

Anonymous said...

10:40 you haven't explained what should be built. Surely not the SFPCardy Carbuncle

Anonymous said...

A giant statue of Macgonigal and Latchford and Bayford holding hands and trampling on the children of Kent?

Anonymous said...

Save Our Ramsgate, say no to Riveroak, no to an airport, no to an indemnity partner, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, SAY NO TO CPO.
Theres a better more prosperous future for Thanet, which does not involve aircraft or airfields.
An announcement now, please TDC.

Unknown said...

I must just say that many Cllrs believe that a CPO on Manston airport will only cost £4m where did they get this info from? RiverOak's own valuer!!!! If any Cllrs are reading this please don't stick your head in the sand, do your own research its about 70x times that amount by TDC own admission the site is classed as a brownfield and even if there is public objection it will still be granted planning permission on appeal from the government as this sort of land is high on their priority for redevelopment say no to a CPO and save Thanet tax payers many millions as we will be responsible for any increase in value for the next 10 years.

Anonymous said...

Yet more broken sewer pipes in the Gazette by Southern Water. Our crumbly council is crumbling. Why are we paying council tax?

Unknown said...

If this is what the new owners of Manston can do why are TDC wasting money with Riveroak??????

Anonymous said...

It looks like Michael's Pensioners Blog is getting a bit scared over TDC censorship of Driver and racism accusations of Cllr Moores with 100 emails conveniently deleted and post censorship. So much for free speech...

Why doesn't the Gazette publish the "secret" document for Driver and we can all discuss it? Strange Judge Wardle censored the councillor but no the newspaper for the same documents?

Anonymous said...

Purple Om Andy Col

This blog is your natural home. Long may you wallow in it.

Anonymous said...

Iris and Macgonigal must go - the latter supposedly acquitted in the TDC investigation despite being heard rigging the planning meeting. And Iris with nothing better to do than write about pensioner pop stars in the Gazette after the CPO and Cardy and Dreamland and Driver chase farce. Worse than Clive - with months to the election.

Anonymous said...

Iris and TDC need to be investigated, there are leaks from her Council and Cabinet to SMA as seen on there website, the TDC officers and legal with investigations do not suppirt a CPO of the brownfield Manston site, KCC favour the mixed use development due to the vast benefits it will bring in school places, doctors places, jobs and homes, all needed, Westminster do not want it, it is unlawful to follow up on, sma are intimidating and bullying there way to force it and Riveroak have nothing new to offer which hasnt failed previously. This is becoming the biggest mistake of TDCs history, why the delay, announce now it is over your fooling no one Iris, Mike Richard, at least there are some in council with ambition and common sence. Work with the new owners to bring jobs, as you are now delaying development. The acting chief executive needs to force the end of this now, as said, it iseven unlaful and cannot succeed, press on now with the new vision, enough misguided support of something which does not exist anymore, SMA get a life NO TO CPO, ITS OVER.

Anonymous said...

the news on Thor is worrying...