Friday, September 08, 2006

Dave? What Are You Doing Dave?

Sacre bleu! I 'ave only been in ze south of France for a week, and I find my dulcets all over Radio Kent.

I wouldn't mind, but to protect my anonymity they've made me sound like HAL the computer from 2001: A Space Odyssey, in that scene where he's having his bits pulled out.

Anyway, what am I doing? I'm meant to be on my hols! Garcon - encore un gin and tonic, por favore!


thenewstead6 said...

Salut! Yes, I heard your HAL voice on the radio and was most impressed! Enjoy your holiday, from a fellow Kent Blogger!

Anonymous said...

It's just an impersonation of me, actually.

Lucy Mail said...

I've had my bits pulled out on occasion but it's certainly never made my voice drop in pitch.
Quite the opposite!