Thursday, September 18, 2014

Jocks Away, Ginge!

Apols for the prolonged hiatus/lacuna/interregnum, but I've been north of the border campaigning for the 'Yes' camp. Hopefully all the hard work will come to fruitation when the result is announced tomorrow morning!

Actually it's given me an idea. How about starting an independence party for Fannit? After all, with a bit of, er, dredging, the Wantsum could be transformed into a half decent border once again. A shame, though, that we no longer have our own international airport, ferry port and power station. Well, shame that we don't have our own ferry port and power station. And, um, actually, I don't really miss the power station either.

Ho hum. Just a spot of blue sky thinking!!!

Update: Oh dear. Close, but no cigar. Never mind, I'm off to drown my sorrows with a dram or twelve of the good stuff. Pip pip! 


Unknown said...

Good to see you back :)

Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

All that hard work for nothing, Alex Salmond nowhere to be seen. Nicola Sturgeon left to concede defeat on his behalf, just shows who wears the trews/kilt. Perhaps the West Lothian question will finally be answered.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back in this still "United" Kingdom. Clever Nigel Farage swung the vote to the No Campaign in Scotland. A quick mention of them being in the euro and run by Brussels. And their borders being open whilst England would be closing her borders down.

And Jock soon voted for Devo Max and the Barnett formula.

Fannit independence with its own tax raising powers to meet its own benefits bill ?

Anonymous said...

I hope you keep blogging. The politicians are now saying "The Constitution" is at the heart of public debate. IF that debate includes matters military and police (I say IF) then expect Kent and especially Thanet to feature large.

Expect to see the lovely Laura Sandys' father Duncan get a mention "European Movement". And the breach of petition and bill of rights and a number of statute laws in setting up a defacto pan-European secret army.

Expect to see the anomaly that it was EU who called for the secret army to be dismantled (1990) yet only Belgium, Italy and Switzerland held the requisite parliamentary inquiries.

Indeed the Royal Marines SBS was carrying out joint exercise with elements of the secret unlawful Army in 1989 in an exercise simulating denial of Zeebrugge to invading Soviet forces. The question is did the exercise extend to Dover ? Were Kent Police involved in what would have been an exercise unlawful in UK law ? In the very year Deal Royal Marines Barracks (No strangers to pan European unlawful military types) was blown up ?

The test in law is Crown Authority (For armed force and for constables) and that is an absolutely massive constitutional question.

Not least because the creator and leading figure if private secret armies (also founding trustees Sue Ryder charity another beneficiary of an unlawful police no go area) were Sporborg and Neave. The two puppet masters of a certain Margaret Hilda Thatcher. The huge act of treason in putting Crown officers under the command of a limited company (ACPO) to offend against the Common Law and the people (Policing of miners strike)

And the big question why, in spite of Her Coronation Oath, did HM the Q stay silent ?

So don't hold yer breath waiting for a constitutional debate to be comprehensive?

Richard Eastcliff said...

It didn't take Rick long to get back into the swing of things then.

And yes, I will continue to blog, even more so now as the rumours being circulated by the Manston Shitterati (most notably a certain 'DJ' who appears to possess even fewer brain cells, but far more chins, than he does hair follicles) of my demise are extremely premature. Ha!

derick97 said...

Glad to see your back again Richard and a belated Happy Birthday

Anonymous said...

Good to see 8 TDC councillors resigning before next year (mainly Labour though)) including your mate Biggles - and a £176M Southern Water fine although that doesn't make the sewers fit for purpose or ge tthe shit off the beaches

Anonymous said...

At the risk of stirring former copper Rick ACPO isn't a private company it's just the Chief Constables group.

There is no constitution nor law code in the UK (although TDC has one but it changes constantly so worthless) - which is a failing. Either would reduce would prevent excessive/random lawmaking.

The Crown officers/Common Law etc etc is dreary semantics as the Crown is a figurehead in/reporting to/funded by parliament and the public.

The secret army stuff was a problem but part of resistance to a Soviet invasion - nothing to do with Deal or the IRA and Cummins and Thanet Gun Range and generators and Sue Ryder etc etc etc etc.

Anonymous said...

So a birthday has passed ECR so does that make you 30?
Looks like Age & Sons had to close without your custom (sidebar delete needed).

Anonymous said...

I'm with Derick, I'll be glad to see your back again.

Anonymous said...

I feel for the Scots who voted "no" in the belief that Cameron, Clegg and Miliband would be true to their "pledge" to devolve more powers to the Scottish Parliament quickly. Cameron is already trying to row back from his commitment by linking it to the obviously fraught issue of doing something to satisfy the English lobby.

Unknown said...

Its good to see the support your getting from the intelligent people of Ramsgate ECR. With this nasty campaign lead by pure evil little sh*ts.
You have a lot of friends in high places, Keep up the good work :)
I have had the same recently.

Still Even More Bemused Of Birchington said...

When you consider, anon @ 10:00 am, that the Barnett formula gives the Scots around £1200 - £1600 more per head than anywhere else in the UK (Depends which figure you believe) because when Joel Barnett did his sums way back, he used the wrong figure for the population of Scotland, then together with free tuition at university and free prescriptions charges, then they don't do too badly, and it's about time things were evened up a bit for the English.

Anonymous said...

Great to have you back

Anonymous said...

Come May and UKIP may hold the balance of power and the voters of Thanet South can ensure they get centre stage by backing Nigel. I should of course mention that they could vote for the LibDem that wants to turn Manston into an aircraft (s)crap yard, or the Tory serial looser that just wants to be an MP anywhere or would even settle for being a Police Commissioner, or local Lab boy made good that has yet to loose an election.

Anonymous said...

How can someone "loose" an election?

Anonymous said...

There may well be an issue around national inequalities, Bemused, but I was simply talking about the apparent lies and back-tracking on the part of the Westminster politicos - Cameron most especially. Small wonder people view politicians in such a dim light.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back.. you've been missed..
Ignore the thuggery.

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name's Scottie and I'd like to make my case for getting rid of the Barnett formula in Scotland. I'm a Manston supporter. I sell fences and I'm hoping they'll give me the contract for the airfield. I've worked it out: 2 million concrete posts, 2 million panels of overlapping larch, me in Costa del Sol sipping a large one. If we had the Barnett formula in Thanet instead of wasting it on the Jocks, we could use the money to reopen the airport, underwrite the massive losses and pay for my retirement.

Anonymous said...

Ian Driver has gone conspicuously quiet over the past few days, which probably means (a) He's been arrested (again), or he's changing parties (again). What's his latest opinion on Manston, does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

So Scottish Labour and Tory vote for free prescriptions. ..but England Labour etc vote against them?

Anonymous said...

Biggles referring to "visibly no Scottish"....what does he mean? Black? Drunk gingers in a kilt? Should we care..

Anonymous said...

Re your comment Mr Eastcliff I have it on good authority that the Facebook page started by the individual you allude to above has now been removed following a complaint to the police. Let us now hope that the police conduct a full investigation with a view to bringing charges under e.g. Protection from Harassment Act 1997, Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, Malicious Communications Act 1988, Communications Act 2003, Defamation Act 2013 and Data Protection Act 1998.

Anonymous said...

4:27 let's hope not, and that the Police are catching rapists and murderers rather than dealing with dull chavs whining at each other...

Richard Eastcliff said...

Couldn't agree more, 6:11pm. That said, my guess is that the real life person they publicly dubbed an internet troll, not to mention threatening his livelihood, family, property and wellbeing, might well take a different view!

Anonymous said...

Maybe ECR...and so would the victims of real crimes going unprevented while the police deal with such hissy fits?

They called him and internet troll? oooooohhhh

Richard Eastcliff said...

I should imagine false accusations, such as being called an internet troll, might be regarded as serious defamation and libel by some people, particularly if they had a reputation to protect. But that, of course, would be a matter for civil law.

As for 'real crimes going unprevented', that would surely be the point of PC Plod investigating - to prevent the real crimes that have been threatened on a public Facebook page. Besides, publishing threats against people is, in itself, a 'real' crime.

On a personal note, if our commentator at 4:27pm is to be believed, then I have to confess that I have in my possession evidence which could well help the boys in blue slap the handcuffs on the alleged perps. Question is, should I sing like a canary, or keep schtum?!!?

Anonymous said...

Your points are laughable and contradictory like a child trying to be clever 9:00

msg said...

If I were you I would certainly 'Toy' with the idea of having them 'Nick'ed, I may even find some 'Delight' in doing so. Have them up before the 'DJ'.

Richard Eastcliff said...

Oops! I presume you meant 7:34pm there, 9:43pm!

My points were deadly serious. So - grass 'em up, or keep what I know under the old chapeau? You decide!

Anonymous said...

No I meant 9:00 not 7:34.

You are a child 9:55. Make up your own petty mind if you can.

Richard Eastcliff said...

Oh dear. Assuming you mean me and not Matthew Griffiths, 10:13pm, then your cage appears to have been truly rattled! Palms getting a bit sweaty are they?

Well sweet dreams. Don't have nightmares. The knock on the door in the morning will in all probability only be the UPS man delivering that new gimp mask you ordered.

Anonymous said...

ECR the stupid trolls now seem to have confused you with that fellow who runs the bookshop. Take no notice of them, they are not worth the energy. Keep calm and carry on blogging old bean.

Anonymous said...

That bookshop is a discrace to Ramsgate with it's years of fluff on the carpet and peeling paintwork! Why doesn't he move to Margate or Cliftonville?

Richard Eastcliff said...

Now, now 10:39am. Let's not be Margateist or Cliftonvilleist here.

I happen to enjoy the fousty confines of Michael's shop, and he does have the most splendid selection of secondhand books this side of Hay-on-Wye!

Anonymous said...

Actually there's a really good secondhand bookshop in Margate high street now (though that's also a bit pongy).

Anonymous said...

Do we get a rebate for Southern Water pollution?

Anonymous said...

Your last post ECR was about Macgonigal the TDC Chief Exec inquiry - what's happening there?

Anonymous said...

Do we get a rebate for missing Macgonigal?

Anonymous said...

We'll never see macgonigal back at tdc....only in court...

Anonymous said...

Discovery Park owners buy Manston and looks like warehouses and houses. Airport will not reopen they say on Kent in Sunday

Richard Eastcliff said...

Indeed. I have already scribbled something about that in my most recent jotting.

Anonymous said...


Give the evidence to the police. This individual needs to face up to the consequences of what they've been doing.

Immaturity is no defence.