Being the swinging, bachelor type, I'm hopefully not going to have much use for
Mamas and Papas which has just opened at our lovely Brownwater retail park in the centre of the isle.
Actually I thought they'd all choked to death on ham sandwiches in the 70s.
Er, but no. If baby stuff is your thang, Mamas and Papas have it all. Announcing their new Westwood Cross outlet they say: '(Our) fashion-packed credentials are second to none as stars from Hollywood to Hong Kong head for the store as soon as their pregnancy is announced.' Not bad for a chain that's based in that third fashionable 'H' - 'Uddersfield. They continue:
Closer to home, the wives and girlfriends of the UK’s famous sporting and media stars are spotted often at Mamas & Papas stores throughout the country. World Cup sweethearts have already been spotted snapping up ‘Star Dribbler’ rompers to cheer on their partners in the South African tournament!Should go down a storm with the builders' WAGs from Boredstares then.
Closer to home, and as if to prove that Ramsgate is getting chi-chier by the minute, a high class gift emporium has opened in the Old Custom House (Custom House in old money) down on the front. While teeny-tiny (and not so teeny-tiny) Ramsgate Town Councillors ruminate over their paltry portfolios upstairs, visitors can grab an excellent latte or baguette downstairs, book a B&B at the visitor information centre and peruse
Nice Things, which stocks gifty arts and crafts from Thanet and beyond.
Not only that, but if a job ad I just read in one of the local rags is to be believed, the Millionaires' Playground is about to get a
Cornish Pasty Co emporium too! How much more like St Ives can it get!?!