So with 1,132,324 visits on that clock, no, wait, er, 1,132,325... 1,132,326... oh well, you get the picture... what I'm trying to say is I have my retirement speech here. No, well, it was here, um... oh yes:
'It's been a great privilege to serve the people of Thanet for more than three years.... blah blah... it's been a rollercoaster ride but now it's burnt down... blah... can't get rid of me that easily... etc etc.'
Now it could be that recent bouts of the Delhi jip, combined with prolonged welfare sponging/axe grinding (©2007 Dr Simon Moores) have just worn me down, and what I really need is a rest. This happens to most bloggers sooner or later, and it's happened to me more times than I care to mention. Once my holiday tokens have come through from the JobCentre (Plus!) and I've had a couple of exhilarating weeks at the Derbyshire Miners' Holiday Camp in Skegness, I may be right as rain. But at the moment I can't see any future for a blog that takes the piss out of people who seem have forgotten that they live in a quiet corner of Kent and not Number bleedin' 10 Downing Street!
So, AMF as my American producer used to say! Or is it au revoir?
Update: Thanks to the literally hundreds of emails of support, I've had a slight change of heart and opened this site back up to public viewing. I shan't be posting, but at least you'll have the opportunity to search it using the facility in the top left hand corner. As the most talented person ever to have set foot in Thanet, I at least owe you the opportunity to read the best written and best informed blog the island has ever seen. A member of staff at the cliff top mansion will update the sidebar, and there'll still be short snippets and goss on Facebook and Twitter.