Crumbs! I see Sir Gob Beldof has been booked to turn on the Christmas illuminations in the Arsonists' Playground this year! If you recall, the soap-dodging celebrity was panned back in January for talking about 'the ugliness of Margate' in an edition of Kent County Council's free newspaper
Around Kent. But in a subsequent
ECR poll the tables were turned when he was voted uglier than the town he'd vilified.
Thanet Extra is reporting he'll be switching on the lights in November, presumably just after the last trader to leave has switched them off. I gather, though, that it won't be an event for the little 'uns. I mean, Sir Bob and our Sandy on the same stage? You wouldn't want to give the kids nightmares, would you!
Click here for full story in Thanet Extra
Eastcliff, as a well known millionaire I'm surprised you're not out on your grand vessel with the rest of the yotties for Ramsgate Week - or have you run out of sealegs again? Perhaps that's where you were earlier today?
Try sticking your head out of the window, 4:14, and assessing the suitability of the weather for sailing. If you're still undecided, try sticking it in a metal bucket and banging it with a stick (the bucket, not your head, although....)
As for Bob Geldof, well I think it'd be nice to get the chance to chat to him about how he really feels about his little Princess getting married in a JG style church.
Perhaps Bob Geldoff kbe could nip around the offices of Bignews Margate and explain how Ten alps of whom he is a non executive director is furthering the cause of free speech here in Kent.
Perhaps he would like to talk with the MD & the companies communications director.
illu do
noted in mayor's diary.
and response to Mr Flaig's request that Geldof join him later the mayor shorthand is
Oh God noooooooo....
There is a stewards' inquiry on whether this post is by the real ECR.
Tautology bets are not paying out. Stewards say either the tautologies were rigged or the poster was not ECR.
And that is a final decision.
How perceptive of you 9:09pm. I've heard the real ECR is at this moment sunning himself on the Cote d'Azur. My paparazzi will have pictures later.
What does it say about Margate when the only remotely famous person the council can get to come here to turn on one little switch (to bring joy to the innocent young faces of your beautiful children of Thanet) is someone who said the town is crap and ugly?
It's obvious that Geldof would only be coming for his own PR. It's like Boris going to Liverpool.
If Bob pulls out due to having to stay in his Chelsea pad watching paint dry, perhaps we could ask Will Self?
My worry is that if Bob Geldof starts screaming "Give us your money" someone somewhere is going to think they're getting mugged.
Let's hope they don't take him to Cliftonville!
It'd most likely be "Give us your f*ckin' money" and really, Cliftonvile would be the best place for the scruffy git.
Incidently, offices Tony?
If you have more than one, how come you don't have a proof reading department?
You could ask him -
"why he dont like maarrgate? tell us why- you dont like maarrgate? you dont like maaargate, do you- you- you you - want to burn the whole place down?
-which is a local and common past time in these parts sir bob"
I really do hope to God these lights aren't so crap they're embarrassing. These Christmas trees councils put up now always have ugly barriers dumped round them, makes the thing look like a total abortion.
Banana Republic
Septic Isle
Suffer in the Screaming sea
It sounds like dying
Everywhere I go
Everywhere I see
The black and blue uniforms
Police and priests
Banana Republic by the Boomtown Rats ( Geldof's pop group)
Wonder where he got the inspiration?
The way Margate is decling fast with shops closing, Clifftonville looking more like a ghetto, nothing for tourists to visit etc etc maybe Sir Bob's experiences of the third world will be helpful.
Imagine how much worse it's going to be now that the council are cutting £££s from next year's budget and looking to cut services.
Hahahahah... Banana Republic? Who's that singing? Someone from Margate? Sceptic Isle more like... I just dont believe you Richie 'ol son, hahahaha...... Thank god....
I will ring him and cancel.
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