Well, well, well. It appears to be a week of fine dining and horticulture here on the big blog! Regular contributor Mick has been doing a tour of the Millionaires' Playground with a view to entering it into the Britain in Bloom competition. Here's his report:
One of the key features of Ramsgate is the number of delightful roof and verandah gardens which host some fantastic fauna and flora. Here's a good example:
Moving along, I spotted a rare, sprouting Ramsgatus Urbanus:
Followed by Aerialis Neglectii and some Weedus Ridgius:
Finishing with the common Buddleia Aloftus Thanetii:
The love and attention that's lavished on these aerial gardens is a quintessential part of the town's heritage, and Ramsgate should make an excellent contender for the Britain in Bloom competition. I trust, Richard, that you will use your undoubted influence with your peers to ensure that these horticultural wonders are preserved and displayed for the wider enjoyment of the nation.Hmmm. I'm not sure you're being entirely serious there, Mick. Still, I will pledge to use my influence with the producers of GQT to put Ramsgate on the bloomin' map!
Meanwhile, if any of you lot are bored rigid by my endless stream of nosh and gardening stories, you could always pop over to the excellent
IsleOne and see what I think of the silly folkers!
Gardner's World must be pleased your not on their speed dial. Well spotted
At least someone is growing something that the control freaks would chop back. Pity they can't do some pruning at TDC
Evidently the person who periodically posts the single word 'Nob' as a comments is of limited vocabulary or should that be, in the modern idiom, is 'literarily challenged.'
Anonymous 1:57 must be 'literally challenged' to make such a comment. Any sentence should start with a capital and finish with a full stop, otherwise it could lose its meaning!
Interesting bit of useless and tasteless observation...nob backwards is Bon!!
Perhaps nob, is a typical Thanet chancer?
"Not bovvered"
Not bovvered not bovvered
Good good sweeties.
You ain't bovvered
He rate hisself innit
Stick it up your arse sideways
Oh dear! They've left the cage open again!
Well I ascu.
Being the author of the original 1:57 PM 'nob', one of many that have always succeeded the same blogger, I can tell you that it was intended as 'half of nobody'.
Though that may or may not be true!
And before anyone complains, I swapped a named anonymous identity for an unnamed one.
What's the difference? (Gawd, don't start me off on that!)
Love you really, Don. x
anon again!
does the tdc own a cherry-picker?
You know, one of those vans with the hydraulic basket at the rear.
If so, they could charge a little fee for clearing these aeronautic weeds at the house owner/tenants wish.
Although they might have some historic interest, those two derelict buildings behind the Turnip should ,I feel, be demolished. There is no need to redecorate them, and the grounds would make an ideal car park for turnip seekers.
I like it. It reassures me that when humans are extinct (quite soon now) nature will have no trouble reasserting itself over the inflated and self important structures we have built for ourselves.
I presume your Seroxat hasn't kicked in yet this morning 9:24.
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