Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rubbish Photo

No actually, not the Gazette's front pager last Friday although at least one eagle-eyed reader (thanks L!) pointed out that the banner headline under the Gazette masthead says all you need to know about the contents really. (I'm not sure Dickie will thank me for saying that, what with his strip for the paper and all. Still, he says he doesn't get paid for it so no loss if they sack him eh?)

No, I'm talking about this story on page 8...

...telling us all about the results of the Love, Hate, Hope exhibition in Ramsgate in August. The exhibition was a huge success, with hundreds of visitors pinning their loves, hates and hopes up on postcards at the exhibition space, a disused shop in the town centre. The whole thing got a great write up by the Chair of the British Urban Regeneration Association in the Estates Gazette (click here to read the story) and you can watch the excellent film that the ladies of the Ramsgate Arts Festival made on YouTube (click here for that).

All good so far and I'm not griping about that. But here's the clincher. As the Gazette reported, top love was Ramsgate's beaches. So why the bloody hell did they illustrate it with a 'flipped' photo of Viking Bay in Broadstairs????



Millicent said...

You may well ask - what with that and the mix-up over the seven squares a week or so ago it is obvious that some of the staff at the TG are not familiar with Ramsgate at all - perhaps they need an orientation visit? Few of the planning officers ever venture over this side of the island either- or so it seems.

JP said...

I bet the picture of rubbish wasn't taken in Broadstairs.

Anonymous said...

That's actually a photo of Margate.

Margate Muzak Man said...

Why would anyone want to go to Ramsgate???

Michael Child said...

Peter two secondhand record and CD shops and a secondhand bookshop with a music section.

Maureen said...

Are you sure Peter? It looks very like your music blog.

Anonymous said...

Because Broadstairs is far superior to Ramsgate - however you dress it up as being boring.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone go to Ramsgate? It depends on whether you already live in Thanet and dont get out a lot! Ramsgate will be full to the seams on the 14 November with all those visitor arriving by ferry and spending loads of euros.

Anonymous said...

peter, it looks like more of a piss take as opposed to an imitation.

seeing as you speak of your own knowledge, talent and charisma as though you actually have all three, i'd say its spot on.

Richard Eastcliff said...

Peter I will continue to delete your masturbatory fantasies from this blog. In future please stick your conjectures where the sun does not shine. I agree with Maureen. Themargatemuzakman.blogspot.com has all the hallmarks of your depraved Onanistic ideology.

Anonymous said...

Millicent, its very easy to answer your question "few of the planning officers ever venture over this side of the island either - or so it seems" they have merely been told by the higher underlings that they must concentrate on Margate.

I mean to say, when did the hierarchy (underlings) of TDC ever have any meaningful contact with the public here in Ramsgate?


Don Wood said...

Considering Westwood Cross is in Ramsgate I would surgest Loads of planning officers have visited whether or not that people like what was built is another matter.It seems to me the planning officers are only interested in getting lots of flats into as small a piece of land as possible. But they are well used to doing that with all the practice that they have had planning bad converstions in Cliftonville .Hotel to squat in easy stages!

Richard Eastcliff said...

Actually, technically speaking, Westwood Cross is in Broadstairs Don.

We used to have a TDC officer (he was German I think) who was supposed to allocate £1m from the Lottery Fund for sprucing up Ramsgate front. I wonder what happened to him? And the £1m?

Perhaps the lovely Michael Child, font of all Ramsgate historical knowledge, can answer that one.

Don Wood said...

speak as technically as you like Broadstairs used to be signposted as on the otherside of the junction that is now a roundabout . Either someone has changed the boundry or Westwood Cross is in Ramsgate.So I think your previous poster saying Ramsgate never see's a planning officer is wrong.The old Hospital was located at Haine which was not in Broadstairs so you tell me where it is someone is technically telling porkies.

Anonymous said...

Don mate, if your geography's as good as your 'facts' about the airport you need to get your medication upped. Here is Westwood Cross's address from their website:

23 Margate Road, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 2BF

And here's their website:


Have another suck on your oxygen next time before you call people liars.

Don Wood said...

so what was the sign post for if it were not for the start of Broadstairs I know it sounds bet
ter adding Broadstairs to the address but when did they move the boundry. Haine was not Broadstairs it was Haine some how the powers to be have decided decided Broadstairs sounds better than Ramsgate.

Anonymous said...

Utter b*ll*cks as usual Don. Why would they put Broadstairs to make it 'sound better'? I could put f*ckin Chelsea at the end of my address to make it 'sound better' but then none of my f*ckin letters or customers would find me in Margate would they?


Don Wood said...

Broastairs is better cos you live in Ramsgate

Richard Eastcliff said...
