Having said that, it's more a case of the red corner slinging all the mud and the blue corner not letting it stick at the moment. While Cllr Nottingham carries on like a proverbial pork chop that has overdone it on the Collis Browne mixture, Biggles is flying way above it in clear air, not rising to the bait. Which probably means he knows whatever it is Notters knows, but is trying his hardest to steer clear of the storm clouds for as long as he can. God help us if it's something to do with his doctorate, which, as long-termers in the Thanet blogosphere will know, is a very touchy subject for Our Simes.
So that's the mad and bad, but what about the sad? Enter absentee Cllr Stephen Broadhurst, the Panama-based right blue member for Dane Valley. Steve rarely paddles his canoe back from the central American state to attend anything so demeaning as a council meeting or a surgery with his constituents, it appears, and now Chippy Tone has caught someone signing into the council chamber on his behalf so that he can collect his £5K in expenses for passing 'go'. Tut tut! Could it have been Steve's security firm underling, Arfur Mullard lookalike and Margate Mayor Ted Watt-Ruffell? It seems unlikely, but I think we should be told!
Meanwhile expect one or either or all three to emulate the late, great, lovely Oliver Reed's party piece by getting up on the bar and whipping their kecks down at a pub near you in the not too distant future, uttering the immortal line: 'Now has anybody seen a cock as big as that? No, I rather think you haven't.'
Oh, is this the doctorate from somewhere on the Californian coast we heard about last year that, apparently, Councillor Moores is so sensitive about?
People mutter that Ollie comment to each other whenever Peter Checksfield arrives........fully clothed
That must be the Doctorate from a University that was done for selling them.
And also the same Doctorate that was obtained after supposedly getting a degree from another American University that has never heard of him.
I feel a lawsuit coming on ECR. If Simes ever finds out who you are your ass is gonna burn for publishing this stuff. Time to run for the hills!
I'm ECR!
Simes and ECR, One and the same!
Surely there's no problem here.
If you went to Oxford and graduated from there, you'd tell people (if they gave a chuff!). All Doc has to do is tell people where he gained his academic qualifications from, if they ask.
What's wrong with that? It's no different from telling people which Primary School you went to.
Speaking of dropping kaks, I had a dreadful experience yesterday when a totally offit hippo-wino woman dropped hers by the lift at Walpole Bay and the public loos open just yards away! Come on everyone, bring your kids down for a family week in Thanet and watch the local scrags arsin about.
No, I am ECR!
I do not think ECR has done anything wrong has he/she? All he has said is that the Doctor is sensitive about his degree. The Doctor made that clear to all and sundry last year when he went to the papers and threatened law suits against all anonymous Thanet bloggers and got ECR and One Voice in Thanet taken off the airways after they publlished what I thought was quite factual stuff about his doctorate.
If he was not sensitive about it why go crying to the papers and consulting lawyers? All ECR has said is that he is touchy about it nothing about the doctorate itself.
Just a small correction, Anon of 11.41. Moores did not "get One Voice taken off the airways", although, given his antics and threats at the time, that may well have been his wish - among others held about other critics! I have placed a post on Thanet Strife which explains why I decided to close my (Thanetonian) blog last year.
ECR this is your best ever blog keep up the good work.
Excellent to see you back in the fray OVIT! We have all missed you.
It also strikes me that the full time council officers, the Cecil Squarocrats who actually run the place (into the ground), must be laughing their little Argyll socks off at this current spat.
While two of our most able councillors are at each other's throats, and most of the other duffers are on their yachts or taking advantage of their lifelong membership of lap dancing clubs in Panama, they can quietly get on with their sinister business of administering the island as their own personal fiefdom.
No wonder Head of Degeneration and Pisspoor Planning Brian White has tipped the wink to the chaps at his favourite toy airport to put in for night flights this week!
Whether you like Mark Nottingham or not, you have to give him credit where credit is due.
He is a master expert in telling half truths and making libelous comments about anyone who disagrees with Brown's government.
Does it really matter that Cllr Nottingham is economical with the truth, as long as he is bashing consevatives?
There is no doubt about it, he is a clever man when it comes to spin - but lets hope that TRUTH does not come back and bite him on the bum.
Whether the truth bites someone on the bum is irrelevant.
All Simes has to do is answer legitimate questions. If he can produce his Royal Marines Reserve Record and his Doctorate why not just do it ?
Or is it the case that the tory selectors are given the full story whereas the electorate are not ?
If you put yourself up for vote then don't resent (Euphemism
"Rise above") the voters' legitimate questions of an elected representative.
Because he doesn't want to come across too egotistical.
Anon 10.29 the problem is that many US universities are not acredited and the degrees they issue are worthless in the academic world. The university in question appears to be one of those but you only need to google for it and you will find that all is not well. If a degree plays an important part in the job that you do then the integrity and the degrees worth will normally be checked by the employer, like themedical profession. But if you are only using your degree to try to impress then you can get away with murder. Its a bit like Lord Archer claiming on a CV that he went to Oxford even though he was just a gate crasher at their running club. And if you want to impress just buy a lord of the manor title or change your name by deed pole to Earl etc.
I suggest we start referring to Cllr Nottingham as 'Thandelson'.
So come on Doc...
What's the story?
I think its all down to the smartalecgov method that the doc has recently been promoting for TDC's IT policy. Its too difficult fot the council to understand. All they need to know is how to count. Get the councilors to enter the chamber one by one and tag the lot of them and they can pass a scanner. (make sure its a tamper proof tag!) It simple realy the KISS method thats been around for many a moon will work well for TDC not a smartalec procedure - nobody likes a s.a!
This "never heard of him" stuff. How do we even know that this is true or just made up. Have you ever heard of misinfformation? Why should the Doc have to produce anything you want him to.. would you? Whats it go to do with the price of fish and Thanet council?
I agree that Mark Nottingham is doing a very good job telling half truths and making libelous comments. But like his chum lord mandy he will learn that those that practice the dark arts will have to pay the devils price!
Finally, all Bloggers who allow unmoderated and anonymous comments and those who make such posts, might be well advised to read the landmark ruling against Google reported in the newspapers today.
look out look out biggle's about
Yes, I'm afraid he's up to his old tricks again!
As a constituent, I demand to know what Simon Moores creditentials are.
Doctorate paid for / earned / worthless?
Good morning Ramsgate,
Re: SiMo
As I wake, bleary eyed on my way to London (to earn my wedge, to pay for these foolish councillors) I suddenly feel like demanding to know the qualifications, if any, all of them have.
What fun we'll have!!!
Let's start with Simon Moores.
In my experience, those who shy away from fessing-up their academic credentials, yet add all sorts of alphabetti-spaghetti to their C.V.s are the last ones to provide documentary evidence of their intellectual ability or ... knowledge.
So, let's start a chart, beginning with Ezekiel and ending at the bloke (totally out of his depth,what is his name) who get's out twice a year to run the airport committee, and see if we're getting value for money.
I'd doubt that there's even 10gcse's ('O' levels ) between them.
Or am I labouring under a misapprehension?
What the Hell has any of this got to do with the size of Olly's cock?
And how big their cock is, eh, Pervy Pete?
Hmmm, I think I'm gaining a better understanding of why you position your guitar as you do.
Anyway, don't you have a toilet to stand guard over, while someone cleans it?
Agree, Peter, but if someone has got to a position of authority through a falsehood isn't that a cause for concern?
I remember when I lived there, a doctor at Hull Royal Infirmary turned out to have no medical qualifications at all and was treating patients all because it wasn't considered right to check someone credentials.
There was Sion Jenkins, eventually cleared of killing his foster daughter, who had fabricated his experience and qualifications to obtain a deputy head's job.
To get a job today I bet all the necessary bits of paper have to be produced and everything gets checked carefully.
then 9.09 if he is not doing any work why are we paying out thousands of pounds in allowances
I didn't realise we're paying him to be a doctor......
5:49 AM
re: councillors
I would hope that some of them are not over educated, as they are there to represent everyone.
We need councillors from all walks of life, not just rich, poor or over educated toffs. Thats the whole point!
Peter is right he's not a GP and what he's done has never been a secret. If you look up what he has written on the web it is clear that he is respected and well known.
If you look at his reply on his weblog he points to
ISSN 0969-9325 published by the Institute of Information Scientists in the early 90s.
This contains four articles/theses and among them:
"Linguistic approaches to text management" (Smeaton)
"Hyper-book: an experience in designing and evaluating electronic books" (Catenazzi & Sommaruga)
"The application of expert systems technology to electronic information retrieval" (Morris & Drenth)
"Lotus Notes: an emerging groupware standard" (Moores)
Doesn't look a fraud to me!
The Pedagogue
Mark Nottingham has become a liability to his party, the council, and the people he represents.
His single-minded partisanship and corresponding willingness to destroy the dignity and careers of people doing their best (as he probably believes he himself is doing) to improve the lot of us who live here implies an unbalanced and fanatically obsessive behaviour that has no place in our society. He is clearly a political zealot, and although not as dangerous in our society as these people are with religious views in other places, he should still be disregarded. Or perhaps he just needs medication?
I say it is time for labour to withdraw the whip from Nottingham, and the same for the tories and Cllr.Broadhurst. Neither should continue to be supported by their respective party leaders.
No-one ever said he was a medical man. We are well-aware his PhD is for something in IT (anyone know what his thesis was on?) but I think the poster drawing parallels with others with suspect qualifications was just making the point that people can get jobs with dodgy qualifications.
It will serve no-one's interest if local blogging activity is once again disrupted by unfounded allegations and attacks and threats of retaliatory action. That said, if there is evidence that undermines claims or statements made by local councillors or others that can be shown to be untrue, then they should be exposed.
With that in mind, I really do think that Mark Nottingham - whom I generally support - should fulfill his promise to produce his "evidence" against Simon Moores. He has left too much "hanging" and in doing so has left himself exposed and vulnerable. His unexplained withdrawal of the post about Stephen Broadhurst further weakens his position, I fear.
I sincerely hope he can retrieve the situation quickly.
If you look it up in wikipedia it says “Collaborative software (also referred to as groupware or workgroup support systems) is software designed to help people involved in a common task achieve their goals.”
You can find the Doc as an author on Amazon “Using Lotus 1-2-3 Release 3” by Simon Moores (Paperback - Jul 1989)
Imagine someone going after Dr Who with the same enthusiasm. “So show us you Time Lord diploma then”
He is also a commercial pilot. Anyone knocking him so freely here think they could pass those exams or are they really trying to make some kind of point about his politics instead?
The Pedagogue
Well pedagogue, please explain why a 90's publication has anything to do with a qualification that Moores supposedly got many years before?
And also, as you know so much; in what and where he got his American Degree?
This would answer a lot of peoples questions
As pointless as those questions may be....
Other than the one bloke who keeps banging on about it who gives a toss anyway!
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