ECR - While you have been doing your bit for charity the Euroferries web site has been updated. I have my passport ready in anticipation.
Hurrah! Er, no, wait a minute. A quick check reveals that not a lot's changed. However, we are now told that the catamaran service 'commences imminently' and that: 'Presently minor engineering works are taking place at the Ports to ensure the fastest turn around time to its customers.'
Oh, and instead of promising that bookings can be made 'week commencing 16 March', we now get 'Fares, online ticket reservations and further information will appear shortly.'
I'm beginning to wonder if I stand a cat in a rough sea's chance of enjoying spaghetti Boulognaise and a nice glass of shardy this side of Christmas!
Euroferries not cat-atonic
oh Lor, I can almost smell my Frogs Legs sizzling?
All these major airports and cruise ports on our doorstep....
Any suggestions of what the next EF fantasy statement will say? It gives us all a good laugh! Reckon the EF Board are bored and have been watching too much 'Hustle' and getting ideas .......
Chardonnay with red meat? Your mask is slipping ECR!
I assume that somebody in Ramsgate with high powered aircraft spotting binoculars can see the work they are doing in the port?
I also want to know how can I get from the Royal Harbour to the departure lounge as a foot passenger?
But the Bonanza Express continues to sun herself in the Canaries. Perhaps the cold weather has put her off coming
The fear mounts in Boulogne-Sur-Mer - the arrival of les Anglais Lager Louts is imminent!
And in Ramsgate - all of us booze cruisers stand by in feverish expectation with our passports and shopping trolleys at the ready.
Or could it be that she is a little clapped out? The reason for running aground 3 months ago was given as 'engine' trouble.
This is beginning to look more and more like a re-run of 2007 and the nonsense of 'buying' a ferry from Rochester, USA to run out of Dover as a Euroferries ship.
Has TDC done a financial probity check yet? If it ends up tied to a jetty at Ramsgate instead of at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, I hope Cllr Kirby ('Wodger' slipped this 'hot potato' item quickly enough to our ex-chair)will be collecting mooring charges in advance!
Re getting to the departure lounge from the Royal Harbour - it's easy!
Just toddle along Military Road, then hold your schnoz as you walk by the burst sewage pipe Southern Water have been trying to fix for the last year, tiptoe past the borries left by foreign lorry drivers, then take your life in your hands as you dodge thirty Bulgarian trucks exiting the port, et voila!
and dodge said Belgian lorry drivers steaming streams of piss all over the place
ECR 10.10 and Anon 10.28 must both be taking the michael!
TDC must have started the preparations for the many foot passengers, what about coach and car parking?
With the pound at an all time low,against the euro (thanks to Gordon Brown) who the hell would want to go to france, they are all french over there!!
Anon 2.27 come as a bit of a shock to you when you found out that the french live in france did it??
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