Not exactly 'flaming June' is it? Nope. Well, Wimbledon starts this month so what do you expect? After last week's free fireworks show I thought I'd better check the excellent Ipswich-based Storm Tracker to see if anything was brewing, and sure enough there do seem to be some thundery events trundling over the Channel from France as you can see from the grab above. You can find Storm Tracker in my sidebar on the right, along with all sorts of other useful stuff including Thanet events listings, local weather and tides.
Last week's doozy of a storm, described in Friday's
Gazunder by none other than local pub millionaire Frank Thorley as the worst he'd ever seen, caused blackouts, flooding and fires across the island. Personally, barring the damage caused of course, I'm a fan of thunderstorms. Nothing better than watching lightning streak across the sky. Or 'lightening' as the
Gazunder insisted on calling it across four pages of coverage. Lovely. Or should that be 'luvverly'?
Click here to check Storm Tracker
1 comment:
They are talking about over a months rain in the next 24 hours, I wonder if KCC have cleared the blocked drains in Harbour Street that caused some of the flooding the other day.
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