Flaming chopsticks! I see from my counterstateriser that the Chinese have been snooping around my jottings. I do hope they didn't gain the impression that I was anti their Manston
China Gateway project. The last thing I need is a visit from those tracksuited, torch-carrying types we saw in London the other week. After all, there are enough of those sorts round here as it is!
Oh dear, I had better cancel my visit to The Olympics this summer. Maybe its time to get myself a stats thingee over on Thanetstrife.
Richard I hope the understand the difference between a Thanetoneon and a Tibetan
•欧盟家电、家具、灯具、五金.. •美国宾夕法尼亚州政府希望与.. •中国贸促会授予阿德南.卡萨.. •中国-阿拉伯联合商会第六届.. •乔治亚为跨国公司留下深刻印.. •于广洲副部长与荷兰外贸大臣.. •大同常务副市长高印会见中国
For Thanetians that reads:
CHINAMEX since establishment said... □the European Union electrical appliances, the furniture, the lamps and lanterns, the hardware.. □US Pennsylvania State authority hoped awards south Arab League Germany with.. □the Chinese trade association Card Sa.. □China - Arab union chamber of commerce sixth session of.. □Georgia stays behind for the multinational corporation deeply engraves.. □Vice-minister Yu Guangzhou and Dutch foreign trade minister.. □Datong routine Deputy Mayor Gao Yin meets China
And there was me ordering the crispy fried duck!
I like Chinese:
They only come up to your knees.
You rill suffel for this Mr Lichard.
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