Well, did you see it? Just a few minutes ago, the flying doctor did a double circuit of Ramsgate's trendy East Cliff, on his charity tug with the banner paid for by Bignews Tony, and, of course, me and all you lovely readers here on the island's premier blog site. Proceeds will be going to the NSPCC.
Right, I've got the biggest bird I've ever had waiting to be stuffed in the kitchen, I'm off to smother some breasts in butter. Happy Christmas to you all. Unless you're a bigot, Oasis Hong Kong Airlines or That Bloody Awful Noel. In which case, I'll wish you a Crappy Mizmas!
We went for a cup of tea at the harbour specially just so we could catch this historic flight - which we did - she-who-must-not-wait-too-long-in-the-cold-for-pointless-things was reasonably tolerant, and my camera went on strike, so I missed the shot, but got the message. Well done ECR, Tony and Simon and festive greetings back at y'all.
And a happy Christmas to you too Zumi! And to Mrs Zumi, and any mini Zumis there may be!
I was up at Westwood Cross when I saw it. Well done and have a Merry Christmas.
Oh well done, Dickie and Tony and er, the Doc,for a wonderful stunt to raise money for charity. I am just saddened that Christmas cheer does not extend to the oozalum bird and its crews, Dickie ,old boy! I suppose there must be limits to what one approves as being ok to go round and round in circles! I must admit thet Biggles' little machine is far less irritating than a 747! Happy Christmas!
I'll book him to fly round in circles all day, every day in 2008. That should put an end to the 747s!
Makes you feel all warm inside (or maybe it's just the mulled wine). Have just fulfilled my pledge via NSPCC website whilst some sort of keyboard/brain co-ordination still exists.
Well done to yourself and Tony for organizing this, and Merry Xmas to all.
Brilliant idea...........missed it though taking a leisurely amble round Sandwich. No rush there today brilliant. No shopping for me today either! Hope you all have a Happy Christmas and 2008 brings all you want for yourselves and not what TDC gives you!!!
Your splendid work has been noted and your Peerage is assured...
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So who won the bidding to share the Doc's joystick?
Obviously my tenner didn't cut it.
Some chap from the Sleep Centre apparently. He bid £75.
As they advertise in Sadscene that their beds use 'NASA developed memory foam' I expect he was prepared for the kind of G forces he would have experienced as the Doc pulled back on his joystick in preparation for a thrilling tug.
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