So what news of the place? Well, the Margate Town Renewal Community Partnership Alliance, or whatever they're called this week, are asking for design ideas for a feature that will signpost what they describe as the town's 'architectural gem', according to the BBC website.
What be that then? The listed Dreamland Cinema? No, that's closing. The Lido then? No, that's being converted into flats. The Sea Bathing Hospital? Nope. Ditto. So what do they mean? Well, here's the griff:
We know there's a great deal going on in Margate's creative industries at the moment. They're at the heart of the town's regeneration and are helping to change the face of the Old Town beyond recognition from a few years ago, when it was falling into dereliction. We are aiming to take that regeneration forward and we want artists and designers involved in that process. Margate's cultural regeneration into a "dynamic, thriving and successful town" also includes a new Turner Contemporary gallery and ongoing redevelopment plans for the Dreamland site it says here.
Hmmm. You know, maybe it's time to resurrect my plan from over a year ago to install a giant arse on Margate front. You never know, there'd probably be a hatful of grants, and I couldn't think of a more fitting tribute to the place. After all, if you're going to die on your arse, you might as well make it a big one!
There are some delightful Georgian properties in the Old Town. I would chose one of them. The plans for the "new" Turner Gallery are appalling - Margate may be "dying" but that concrete bunker would finish it off altogether. If you look at old postcards of a century ago Margate looked really attractive and with a little thought and a proper planning strategy could do so again. Such a shame.
Arlington House for listed status!
Why are TDC promoting Margate so heavily? Anyone coming down at the moment will take one look and never come back!
By the time (yawn)they do manage to get any regeneration they will have already put off any prospective visitors!
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